The latest row bedeviling the Congress is over the renewal of licence of 418 bars in the State. While the KPCC president is vehemently opposed to the renewal of licences, the Chief Minister and his supporters advocate a ‘practical’ policy in the matter.
Adding to the confusion is Home Minister Ramesh Chennithala, who has come up with a formula to end the stalemate. The formula suggests renewing the licence of bars that boast two-star status. Ramesh has also said that of the 418 bars whose licences have not been renewed, licence could be granted to those that enjoyed 2-star status. But the formula has been rejected by the KPCC chief. It is a different matter that Ramesh continues to canvass support for his compromise formula.
Significantly, the Supreme Court has ruled against granting licences to the 418 bars in focus. But despite the SC order, Congress leaders in the State continue to advocate the cause of closed bars. Such defiance of the apex court’s order amounts to contempt of court.
The stand of the pro-licence renewal Congress leaders also goes against the avowed liquor policy of the Congress-led UDF Government, which clearly states that, hereafter, bar licence should be granted to only five star hotels!
The KPCC chief is gravely concerned at the proliferation of liquor dens with the easy availability of liquor, a major social evil consuming Kerala. Sudheeran’s commitment to the cause can be gauged from the fact that he has issued notices to Congress leaders, especially in local bodies ruled by the Congress-led UDF asking them not to issue licences to new bars. Sudheeran is also in favour of an anti-liquor campaign, and he has managed to get the KPCC executive’s approval for the same.
Not surprisingly, Sudheeran’s tough stand on the issue has run into opposition from within the Congress itself. For instance, KPCC vice-president V D Satheesan has criticised the stand of Sudheeran. Satheesan wants the renewal of licence of bars that are not sub-standard among those closed down! Satheesan has the support of other Congress leaders like Union Minister Vayalar Ravi, Congress MLAs K. Muraleedharan and TN Prathapan. Their stand has, however, exposed them to the ‘charge’ that they speak for the liquor lobby which is putting pressure on the Government for reopening the 418 bars.
However, the KPCC president has ruled out a change in his stand. Sudheeran is on record that he would not be party to a decision that favours the bar owners. The final decision would be one that would take care of the interests of the people, Sudheeran has averred.
What has strengthened Sudheeran’s resolve is the unequivocal support to him from Congress’s main UDF ally, the Indian Union Muslim League (IUML), which is strongly opposed to reopening of the closed bars. KC(M) leader and Finance Minister K M Mani has also backed the KPCC chief in the matter Besides, the Mahila Federation of the Congress and majority of the Youth Congress are also solidly behind Sudheeran.
In view of the stalemate, a final decision in the matter would be taken only after the Lok Sabha election results are out. The UDF meeting slated for May 20 will take up the issue, it is learnt. Till then, the war of words between the Congress leaders is set to continue.
Whatever the final decision, one thing is for sure. The controversy has put the KPCC chief and the Chief Minister in different camps. And the war of nerves is said to be the result of the unhappiness of the CM and his loyalists over Sudheeran’s appointment as the KPCC president, which he and Ramesh Chennithala had vehemently opposed. The tussle is expected to intensify after the declaration of the LS election results, marking a new stage in Congress politics. (IPA Service)
P. Sreekumaran - 2014-05-07 17:08
With the declaration of the Lok Sabha election results less than ten days away, the Congress in Kerala is caught in a fresh controversy in which KPCC president V. M. Sudheeran and Chief Minister Oommen Chandy hold diametrically opposite views.