The security arrangements in respect of the President, Vice President and Prime Minister are provided in keeping with the relevant Blue Book. Besides, the security arrangements for the Prime Minister (PM), former PMs and their immediate family members are regulated under the provisions of the Special Protection Group (SPG) Act, 1988 and Special Security Schemes formulated to this effect.
Security for other individuals including Members of Parliament and other dignitaries is provided as per the guidelines laid down in the “Yellow Book” primarily on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of threat carried out by the security agencies.
State Governments and Union Territory Administrations have also their own mechanism of providing categorized security similar to the ones at the Central level.
Requests for provision of security, as and when received, are attended to on priority basis in consultation with the Central Security Agencies and the State Government concerned for provision of appropriate security cover to an individual in their jurisdiction.
Security to individuals is given a relook from time to time in the light of ever changing threat perception against them. It is a continuous process.
However, in our system of democratic governance, where people are the sovereign masters, public voices of dissent against security of individuals are raised frequently, which serves little public interest. People view it as a wasteful public expenditure on the so-called security perceived as social prestige and personal pride for such protectees. But the Union Government and State Governments consider it necessary in view of the ever changing security scenario and the resultant threat perception against people in public life who carry onerous responsibilities for the welfare of the people!
Security of VVIPs and VIPs
M.Y.Siddiqui - 2014-07-30 11:10
The Union Ministry of Home Affairs has laid down a well-knit system of security for VVIPs and VIPs and individual public figures to be followed by the States and Union Territories. Accordingly, the responsibility for providing security to an individual rests primarily with the State Governments and Union Territory Administrations in terms of Schedule V11 of the Constitution of India under which Police and Public Order come under them. Security of an individual comes under the jurisdiction of the State or Union Territory in which such individual resides ordinarily or happens to be residing.