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Astrology is a branch of study founded on a presumed connection between the heavenly bodies and human destiny as more or less affected by them. It studies the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies and their influence of human affairs and the natural world. Ancient observers had developed an elaborate system of explanation based on the movement of the sun, moon, and planets through the the constellations of the zodiac on the basis of which they used to make horoscopes or predict events.

Astrology also studies the effect of movement of planets, sun, moon, and stars on anything in general and on human beings in particular. It tries to know what happened to the person or anything else like countries in the past, what is their present status and what is their overall future. Thus, this study, assumes and attempts to interpret the influence of the heavenly bodies on human affairs or anything else.

Earlier it was considered as the science of astronomy, however, this meaning is obsolete.

At one time it was believed in by men of such intelligence as Tacitus and Kepler, and few great families had an astrologer attached to them to read the horoscope of any new member of the house. However, by 1700, astrology had lost intellectual credibility in the West, though it continued to have popular appeal even now across the world.

Since astrology is based on the theory that the movements of the celestial bodies — the stars, the planets, the sun, and the moon — influence human affairs and determine the course of events, it had served as the fundamental motivation for emergence of astronomy that studies the planetary positions. These planetary positions are the basis of making horoscopes to interpret their influence on human and natural affairs.