The body of myths, especially those which are related to traditional or legendary stories, usually concerning some being or hero or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation, especially one that is concerned with deities or demigods and explains some practice, rite, or phenomenon of nature, of India is collectively known as Indian Mythology.
These are a set of stories, traditions and beliefs associated with Indians, their culture, their history, etc which either originated naturally from their actual experience or imagined truth.
In common parlance, Indian Classical Mythology is referred to as Indian mythology. However, it also includes non-classical stories, traditions and beliefs.
The Indian Classical Mythology is also sometimes referred as Hindu mythology, however, there are other mythologies like Jain mythology or Buddhist mythology
Indian Classical Mythology includes all the Veds, Upanishads, and Purans, Mahabharat, Ramayan, and Brahmans.
There are some scholars who consider only Purans as Hindu mythology.
It should be noted that every age and people have their own set of myths which are studied in mythology of the people or the time, for example Shaktiman is a modern Indian mythological character of late 20th or early 21st century originated from television serials. Santoshi Maa is the mythological character of the 1970s popularized by a film.