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Adam Lux

Adam Lux (1765 – 1793) was a young German revolutionary and sympathiser of the French Revolution. Smitten with love for Charlotte Corday, according to a version of his story, he proposed a statue to her with the inscription "Greater than Brutus," which brought him to the guillotine. However, according to another version, Girondist Corday had assassinated the radical agitator and Jacobin leader Jean-Paul Marat on July 13, 1793, and four days later on July 17 she herself was executed. Lux was witness to the execution. In a pamphlet, he justified the killing as an act of liberation and the motives of his behavior is yet not fully known, especially those concerning his relation to Corday and her actions. He was guillotined on 4 November 1793. He ascended the guillotine's scaffold, as if it were a rostrum.

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