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Amilcar Cabral

Amilcar Cabral (1924-1973), full name Amílcar Lopes da Costa Cabral, was a Guinea-Bissauan nationalist. He was considered in the 1960s and 1970s a leading African revolutionary theoretician. He was head of the Guinea-Bissauan nationalist movement (PAIGC) and led Guinea-Bissau to independence from the Portuguese. He was later assassinated by rebels purportedly backed by the Portuguese.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • The escapist dream, the desire to leave, cannot remain the only theme. The dream must be different ... no longer a desire to depart, but to create a new land inside our land.
- Notes sur la poesie des Iles du Cap Vert, Untie et lutte
  • Always remember that the people are not fighting for ideas, nor for what is in men's minds. The people fight and accept the sacrifices demanded by the struggle in order to gain material advantages, to live better and in peace, to benefit from progress, and for the better future of their children. National liberation, the struggle against colonialism, the construction of peace, progress and independence are hollow words devoid of any significance unless they can be translated into a real improvement of living conditions.
- Palavras de orden gerais do Camarada Amilcar Carbal aos responsaveis do partido, November 1965

Yehuda Amichai

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