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Bankim Chakraborty

Bankim Chakraborty was a revolutionary freedom fighter of India. He was born on 25th of March 1911, at Agartala, Tripura. He was son of Late Pratap Chandra Chakraborty. He belonged to Yugantar Party. He remained underground for about a year from April 1931 to May 1932, but finally arrested with a fire arm on 06.05.1932 and sentenced to 5 years prison terms under Arms Act. Thereafter, he was deported to Andamans to serve his jail term. While in Andaman jail, he took part in first hunger strike in May 1933 for 45 days. After repatriation and release, interned in Narayangarh, Midnapore for about 2 years. His total jail period was more than 5 years.

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