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Bayard Taylor

Bayard Taylor (1825-1878) was a noted American writer and traveller, born at Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. He was bred to the printing trade, and by 21 had published a volume of poems, "Ximena," and "Views Afoot, or Europe seen with Knapsack and Staff," the fruit of a walking tour through Europe. Next for a number of years he contributed, as travel correspondent, to the Tribune, visiting in this capacity Egypt, the greater part of Asia, Central Africa, Russia, Iceland, etc. During 1862-1863, he acted as Secretary of Legation at St. Petersburg, and in 1878 was appointed ambassador at Berlin. His literary reputation rests mainly on his poetic works, "Poems of the Orient," "Rhymes of Travel," etc., and an admirable translation of Goethe's "Faust". He also wrote several novels.

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