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COVID-19 is a short form of 'Corona Virus Disease -2019'. It is caused by an infection of 'Sars-Cov-2' virus, which is believed to have passed from animal to human beings. The first case of this infection was recorded in the first week of December 2019 in Wuhan in China. The disease is highly contagious and has spread almost in all the countries of the world. As on April 23 in the morning, it had infected 2,627,630 people across the world and 183,336 had died. Several steps, including lockdown, have been taken to contain its spread. By the time the emergency phase of the disease was announced in May 2023, over 760 million cases and 6.9 million deaths had been recorded worldwide, but the actual number is thought to be higher. Over 13 billion vaccine doses had been administered as of June 2023. Although WHO announced the end of the emergency phase of COVID-19 in May 2023, the Organization continues to coordinate the global response.

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Page last modified on Friday December 6, 2024 03:23:40 GMT-0000