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Chile is a country in South America. Its capital city is Santiago and its population in 2003 was 15,805,000 with population density 21 per sq km. It has a surface area or 756,626 sq km an its currency is peso.

This country is the most advanced and stable of the South American States, occupies a strip of country, 100 miles broad, between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean, and stretching from Cape Horn northward 2200 miles to Peru, with Argentine and Bolivia on its eastern borders. The climate is naturally various. In the North are rainless tracts of mountains rich in copper, manganese, silver, and other metals, and deserts with wonderful deposits of nitrate. In the South are stretches of pastoral land and virgin forest, with excessive rains, and cold, raw climate. The central portion enjoys a temperate climate with moderate rainfall, and produces excellent wheat, grapes, and fruits of all kinds. The Andes tower above the snow-line, Aconcagua reaching 23,500 ft. The rivers are short and rapid, of little use for navigation. The coast-line is even in the North, but excessively rugged and broken in the South, the most southerly regions being weird and desolate. The people are descendants of Spaniards, mingled with Araucanian Indians, but there is a large European element in all the coast towns. Mining and agriculture are the chief industries while manufactures of various kinds are fostered with foreign capital. The chief trade has traditionally been with Britain: exports nitre, wheat, copper, and iodine; imports, textiles, machinery, sugar, and cattle.

Valparaiso and Iquique are the principal ports. The government is republican in the sense that it is officially a republic, however, Roman Catholicism is the State religion. Education here is fairly well fostered; there is a university at Santiago. The country was first visited by Magellan in 1520. In 1540 Pedro Valdivia entered it from Peru and founded Santiago. During colonial days it was an annex of Peru. In 1810 the revolt against Spain broke out. Independence was gained in 1826. Settled government was established in 1847. Since then a revolution in 1851, successful wars with Spain 1864-66, with Bolivia and Peru 1879-81, and a revolution in 1891, have been the most stirring events in its history.

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