Jordan is a river of the Middle East, flowing through the region that was known in ancient days as Palestine, rising on the western side of Mount Hermon, and flows South below Cæsarea-Philippi within banks, after which it expands into lagoons that collect at length into a mass in Lake Merom (Huleh), 2 miles below which it plunges into a gorge and rushes on for 9 miles in a torrent, till it collects again in the Sea of Galilee to lose itself finally in the Dead Sea after winding along a distance of 65 miles as the crow flies. At its rise it is 1080 ft. above and at the Dead Sea 1300 ft. below the sea-level. Its length is 251 km (156 miles). Jordan and the Golan Heights border the river to the east, while Israel and the occupied West Bank lie to its west.Nearby pages
Jorge Carrera Andrade, Jorge Luis Borges, Jorhat District, Jorhat Lok Sabha Constituency, Jorhat Vidhan Sabha Constituency