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Journalism is a profession of journalists. The profession involves reporting, publishing, broadcasting, or telecasting news and current affairs for public which transforms itself from individual communication to mass communication.

Defining Journalism

Journalism is yet to be defined clearly, however, most of the scholars agree on the point that it is a profession of reporting news and current affairs to the public through various media like print and electronic.

Forms of Journalism

There are five forms of Journalism.  All the types or shades of journalism fall in these broad categories.
1. Information Journalism - The truth value of the news or bare facts are emphasised in information journalism .
2. Story form of Journalism - It emphasize the enjoyability and consumatory value of news and story news is presented in such a way as to create satisfying aesthetic experiences and to help people relate events to their own lives.
3. Mixed form of Journalism - Mixed form of journalism includes not only words but also photographs, cartoons, cartography, sketches etc in print medium or on the internet.
4. Interactive Journalism - Interactive journalism presents interaction with the people as in interviews and talk-shows.
5. Performance Journalism - Such journalism requires a little bit of performace that includes the style of presentation as we see in radio and television.

Types of Journalism

There are many types of journalism that falls under the five forms mentioned above, such as Yellow journalism, Investigative journalism, Sports journalism, Science journalism etc.


Sometimes people categorise journalism in the form of media that contains news and current affairs.
1. Print journalism
2. Electronic journalism
3. Cyber journalism - also known as internet journalism or web journalism
4. Radio journalism
5. TV journalism

History of Journalism

Origin of the word dates back to 1825–35. The word first used in French  was journalisme. However, history of journalism dates back to BC 59, when Roman General Julius Caesar started publicing Acta Diurna. Introduction of the printing press in mid-14th century in Europe gave rise to modern journalism, but it took about 150 years to appear the first report in 1502 in Germany. It appeared with the word Zeitung that means newspaper. Earlier publications were just Corantos, Intelligencers, or news pamphlets. With the inventions of Radio wave in 1895, news traveled faster, and in 1906 we had first public radio broadcast. First television broadcast was made in 1928. It gave rise to radio and television journalism. With the rise of internet, first website was made live in 1991, which marked beginning of digital journalism.

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