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Marcus Porcius Cato

Marcus Porcius Cato (234-149 B.C.) also known as the Cato Major or Cato the Elder, was surnamed Censor, Priscus, and Sapiens. He was born at Tusculum, a self-governed town of Latium, fifteen miles south of Rome, of a good old family, and trained to rustic, frugal life. However, he ultimately become a politician after serving occasionally in the army, and removed to Rome. In succession, he became censor, ædile, prætor, and consul. He served in the second Punic war, towards the end of it, and subjugated Spain.

Cato the Elder was a Roman of the old school, disliked and denounced all innovations, as censor dealt sharply with them, sent on an embassy to Africa, was so struck with the increasing power and the threateningly evil ascendency of Carthage, that on his return he urged its demolition, and in every speech which he delivered afterwards he ended with the words, Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam, literally in English "But, be that as it may, my opinion is Carthage must be destroyed".

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Carthago delenda est. ( Carthage must be destroyed)
- in speeches after the Second Punic War

Ben Sira

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