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Marguerite of Navarre

Marguerite of Navarre (1492-1549) was a French writer, poet, scholar, and religious reformer, who was also a patron of arts. She was the princess of France, Queen of Navarre, and Duchess of Alençon and Berry, also known as the Tenth Muse or the Pearl. She supported Protestantism.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Man is wise when he recognizes no greater enemy than himself.
- 'Novel XXX, The Third Day', The Heptmeron, or Novels of the Queen of Navarre
  • Blessed is he who has it in his power to do evil, yet does it not.
- 'Novel XLIII, The Fifth Day', The Heptmeron, or Novels of the Queen of Navarre
  • People pretend not to like grapes when they are too high for them to reach.
- 'Novel LI, The Sixth Day', The Heptmeron, or Novels of the Queen of Navarre
  • I have heard much of these languishing lovers, but I never yet saw one of them die for love.
- 'Novel VIII, The First Day', The Heptmeron, or Novels of the Queen of Navarre
  • A prison is never narrow when the imagination can range in it as it will.
- 'Novel XL, The Fourth Day', The Heptmeron, or Novels of the Queen of Navarre

Francis I

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