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Martin Buber

Martin Buber (1878 -1965) was a German Jewish intellectual who advocated for the personal experience of the divine, encouraging Jews to question traditional dogma and divisions. He coined the term “religiosity” to explain this spirit of religious experimentation and renewal. Throughout his life, he engaged in dialogue about humanity, Judaism, language, history, life, inter-cultural and inter-religious understanding. He wielded the “soft power” of dialogue to attempt to influence others. Indeed, dialogue is at the heart of his philosophy. In his influential book I and Thou, Buber proposes his thesis of existence as encounter, meaning that we create meaning through our encounters with each other, with inanimate objects, with God, and with all of existence.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.
- I and Thou

Yoshida Shigeru

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