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Mme de Sévigné

Madame de Sévigné (1626-1696), maiden name Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, was the most charming of letter-writers, born at Paris. He married at 18 the dissolute Marquis de Sévigné, who left her a widow at 25. Her beauty and rare charms attracted many suitors, to one and all of whom, however, she turned a deaf ear, devoting herself with touching fidelity to her son and daughter, and finding all her happiness in their affection and in the social intercourse of a wide circle of friends. Her fame rests on her letters, written chiefly to her daughter in Provence, which reflect the brightest and purest side of Parisian life, and contain the tender outpourings of her mother's heart in language of unstudied grace.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Plus je connais les homes, plus j'aime mon chien.
(The more I know men, the more I like my dog.)
- attributed


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