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Niccolo Machiavelli

Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) was a statesman and historian, born in Florence, of an ancient family. He was secretary of the Florentine Republic from 1498 to 1512, and during that time conducted its diplomatic affairs with a skill which led to his being sent on a number of foreign embassies. Being opposed to the restoration of the Medici family, and on the return of it to power, he was subjected to imprisonment and torture as a conspirator, but was at last set at liberty. He spent the remainder of his life chiefly in literary labours, producing among other works a treatise on government, entitled "The Prince," the principles of which have established for him a notoriety wide as the civilised world.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • If we must choose between them, it is far better to be feared than loved.
- The Prince
  • Cruelties should be committed all at once.
- The Prince
  • Wisdom consists in being able go distinguish among dangers and make a choice of the least harmful.
- The Prince
  • A prince who is a man of courage and is able to command, who knows how to preserve order in his state, need never regret having founded his security on the affection of the people.
- The Prince
  • A prince who desires to maintain his position must learn to be not always good, but to be so or not, as needs require.
- The Prince
  • All armed prophets have been victorious, and all unarmed prophets have been destroyed.
- The Prince
  • War is just when it is necessary; arms are permissible when there is no hope except in arms.
- The Prince
  • The world has always been the same; and there has always been as much good fortune as bad in it.
- Discorsi, Introduction

Wang Yang-ming

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