Palestine, or the Holy Land, is a small territory on the South East corner of the Mediterranean, 140 miles from North to South, and an average of 70 miles from East to West, is bounded on the North by Lebanon, on the East by the Jordan Valley, on the South by the Sinaitic Desert, and on the West by the sea. There is great diversity of climate throughout its extent owing to the great diversity of level, and its flora and fauna are of corresponding range. It suffered much during the wars between the Eastern monarchies and Egypt, and in the wars between the Crescent and the Cross, and fell by a strange fate in the hands of the Turk. The boundaries of the region have changed throughout history. Today, the region comprises the Israel and Palestinian territories in which the Palestine as a state was declared.From 19th century onwards, the territory has been the theatre of extensive exploring operations in the interest of its early history. However, conflicts and wars continued between Israel and Palestine, and peace eludes the region.
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