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The Holy Quran (c. 610 to mid-7th Century), also spelled Koran, is the scripture of Islam, a religious book of Muslims, which contains the fundamental principles of their religion. It contains revelations from Allah (the God) that Prophet Muhammad began receiving from around 610. This Holy scripture was completed around mid-7th Century. Muslims believe that it is the final and perfect revelation.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • We made from water every living thing.
  • He is the first and the last, the manifest and the hidden; and He knoweth all things.
  • Surely, God wrongs not men, but themselves men wrong.
  • God helps those who persevere.
  • Prayer is the heart of Religion and Faith.
- Introduction to Surat, Al-Fatiha
  • In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Praise to be Allah
The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds :
Most Gracious, Most Merciful;
Master of the Day of Judgement.

Thee do we worship,
And Thine aid we seek.

Show us the straight way,
The way of those on whom
Thou has bestowed Thy Grace,
Those whose (portion)
Is not wrath.

And who go not astray.
- Al-Fatiha

  • And cover not Truth
With falsehood, nor conceal
The Truth when ye know
(what it is)
- Al-Baqarah
  • So eat and drink
Of the sustenance provided by Allah,
And do no evil nor mischief
On the (face of the) earth.
- Al-Baqarah
  • And who believe in Allah
And the Last Day,
And work righteousness,
Shall have their reward
With their Lord on them
Shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
- Al-Baqarah
  • Those who seek gain
In Evil, and are girt round
By their sins, -
They are Companions of the Fire :
Therein shall they abide
(For ever).
- Al - Baqarah
  • Fight in the cause of Allah
Those who fight you
But do not transgress limits
For Allah loveth not transgressors.
  • Let there be no hostility
Except to those
Who practice oppression.
  • And spend of your substance
In the cause of Allah,
And make not your own hands
Contribute to (your) destruction,
But do good;
For Allah loveth those
Who do good.
  • Eat of the good things
That We have provided for you.
  • He hath only forbidden you
Dead meat, and blood,
And the flesh of swine.
  • And follow not
The footsteps
Of Satan.
  • Whatever wealth
Ye spend that is good,
Is for parents and kindred
And orphans
And those in want
And for wayfarers.
And whatever ye do
That is good.
  • But it is possible
That ye dislike a thing
Which is good for you,
And that ye love a thing
Which is bad for you.
  • They ask thee
Concerning wine and gambling,
Say : " In them is great sin,
And some profit, for men;
But the sin is greater
Than the profit."
  • They ask thee how much
They are to spend ;
Say : "What is beyond
Your needs."
  • And make not
Allah's (name) an excuse
In your oaths against
Doing good, or acting rightly,
Or making peace
Between persons.
  • A divorce is only
Permissible twice; after that
The parties should either hold
Together on equitable terms,
Or separate with kindness.
  • The mothers shall give suck
To their offspring
For two whole years.
  • Allah is with those
Who steadfastly persevere.
  • Let there be no compulsion
In religion : Truth stands out
Clear from Error.
  • He granteth wisdom
To whom He pleaseth;
And he to whom wisdom
Is granted receiveth
Indeed a benefit overflowing;
But none will receive admonition
But men of understanding.
  • But Allah loveth not
Those who do wrong.
- Al-Imran
  • Let there arise out of you
A band of people
Inviting to all that is good,
Enjoying what is right,
And forbidding what is wrong:
They are the ones
To attain felicity.
  • And Allah means
No injustice to any
Of His creatures.
  • To Allah belong all
That is in the heavens
And earth : to Allah
Do all matters
  • Devour not Usury
Doubled and multiplied.
  • So lose not heart,
Nor fall into despair :
For ye must gain mastery,
If ye are true in Faith.
  • And Allah loveth not
Those that do wrong.
  • If Allah helps you,
None can overcome you,
If He forsakes you,
Who is there after that,
That can help you?
  • As in the case of those
Before you : They were
Mightier than you in power,
And more flourishing in wealth
And children. They had
Their enjoyment of their portion :
And ye have yours, as did
Those before you; and ye
Indulge in idle talk
As they did. They ! -
Their works are fruitless
In this world and in the Hearafter,
And they are the Losers.
- At-Tauba or Baraat
  • It is He who giveth life
And who taketh it,
And to Him shall ye
All be brought back.
- Yunus
  • Most men are not grateful.
- Yusuf
  • Treat with kindness
Your parents and kindred,
And orphans and those in need;
Speak fair to the people.
- Al -Baqarah
  • Shed no blood amongst you,
Nor turn out your own people
From your homes.
- Al-Baqarah
  • But man is, in most things,
- Al - Kahf
  • Flee not, but return to
The good things of this life
Which were given you,
And to your homes,
In order that ye may
Be called to account.
- Al-Anbiaa
  • These two antagonists dispute
With each other about their Lord :
But those who deny (their Lord), -
For them will be cut out
A garment of Fire :
Over their heads will be
Poured out boiling water.
- Al- Hajj
  • The adulterer cannot have
Sexual relations with any but an
Adulteress or an idolatress,
And the Adulteress, none can have
Sexual relations with her but an
Adulterer or an idolater ;
To the Believers such a thing
Is forbidden.
- An-Nur
  • Follow not Satan's footsteps :
If any will follow the footsteps
Of Satan, he will (but) command
What is indecent and wrong.
- An-Nur
  • Let not those among you
Who are endued with grace
And amplitude of means
Resolve by oath against helping
Their kinsmen, those in want,
And those who have left
Their home in Allah's cause.
  • Those who slander chaste,
Indiscreet and believing women
Are curse in this life
And in the Hearafter.
  • Women impure are for men impure,
And men impure for women impure,
And women of purity
Are for men of purity,
And men of purity
Are for women of purity :
These are innocent of
All what people say :
For them there is forgiveness,
And a provision honourable.
  • Enter not houses other than
Your own, until ye have
Asked permission and saluted
Those in them : that is
Best for you, in order that
Ye may heed (what is seemly ).
  • If ye find no one
In the house, enter not
Until permission is given
To you : if ye asked
To go back, go back :
That makes for greater purity
For yourselves.
  • But the unbelievers, -
Their deeds are like a mirage
In sandy deserts, which
The man parched with thirst
Mistakes for water; until
When he comes up to it,
He finds it to be nothing.
  • Seest thou not that it is
Allah Whose praises all beings
In the heavens and on earth
Do celebrate, and the birds
(of the air) with wings
Outspread ? Each one knows
Its own (mode of) prayer
And praise.
  • Yea, to Allah belongs
The dominion of the heavens
And the earth ; and to Allah
Is the return.
  • Give just measure,
And cause no loss
( To others by fraud).
And weigh with scales
True and upright.
And withhold not things
Justly due to men,
Nor do evil in the land,
Working mischief.
- Ash-Shu'araa
  • Mischief has appeared
On land and sea because
Of (the need) that the hands
Of men have earned,
That (Allah) may give them
A taste of some of their
Deeds : in order that they
May turn back (from evil).
- Al-Rum
  • Those who reject Faith
Will suffer from that rejection :
And those who work righteousness
Will make provision
For themselves
(In heaven).
- Al-Rum
  • It is those who are
Endued with understanding
That receiveth admonition.
- Az-Zumar
  • Good is (the reward)
For those who do good.
In this world.
- Az-Zumar
  • Those who patiently persevere
Will truly receive
A reward without measure.
- Az-Zumar
  • O my people! This life
Of the present is nothing
But (temporary) enjoyment :
It is the Hereafter
That is the Home,
That will last.
- Al-Mu-min
  • Nor can goodness and Evil
Be equal. Repel ( Evil)
With what is better :
Then will he between whom
And thee was hatred
Become as it were
Thy friend and intimate!
  • And no one will be
Granted such goodness
Except those who exercise
Patience and self-restraint, -
None but persons of
The greatest good fortune.
- Ha-Mim
  • Whoever works righteousness
Benefits his own soul ;
Whoever works evil, it is
Against his own soul.
  • Man does not weary
Of asking for good (things),
But if ill touches him,
He gives up all hope
(And) is lost in despair.
  • ...ye should remain
Steadfast in Religion, and make
No divisions therein :
To those who worship
Other things than Allah,
Hard is the (way)
To which thou callest them.
- Ash-Shura
  • Those who avoid the greater
Sins and indecencies
And, when they are angry
Even then forgive;

Those who respond
To their Lord, and establish
Regular prayer ; who (conduct)
Their affairs by mutual Consultation;

Who spend out of what
We bestow on them
For sustenance;

And those who, when
An oppressive wrong is inflicted
On them, ( are not cowed
But) help and defend themselves.

The recompense for an injury
Is an injury equal thereto
(In degree) : but if a person
Forgives and makes reconciliation,
His reward is due
From Allah : for (Allah)
Loveth not those who
Do wrong.

But indeed if any do help
And defend himself
After a wrong (done)
To him, against such
There is no cause
Of blame.

The blame is only
Against those who oppress
Men with wrong-doing
And insolently transgress
Beyond bounds through the land,
Defying right and justice.
For such there will be
A Chastisement grievous.

But indeed if any
Show patience and forgive,
That would truly be
An affair of great
- Ash-Shura
  • Let not some men
Among you laugh at others :
It may be that
The (latter) are better
Than the (former) :
Nor let some women
Laugh at others :
It may be that
The (latter) are better
Than the (former):
Nor defame nor be
Sarcastic to each other,
Nor call each other
By (offensive) nicknames :
Ill-seeming is a name
Connoting wickedness,
(To be used of one)
After he has beleived :
And those who
Do not desist are
(Indeed) doing wrong.
- Al -Hujurat
  • O mankind! We created
You from a single (pair)
Of a male and a female,
And made you into
Nations and tribes, that
Ye may know each other
(Not that ye may despise
Each other). Verily
The most honoured of you
In the sight of Allah
Is ( he who is) the most
Righteous of you.
- Al-Hujurat
  • Wasting your time
In vanities ?
- An-Najm
  • All that is on earth
Will perish.
- Ar-Rahman
  • When thou lookest
At them, their bodies
Please thee ; and when
They speak, thou listenest
To their words. They are
As (worthless as hollow)
Pieces of timber propped up,
( Unable to stand on their own).
They think that every
Cry is against them.
They are the enemies ;
So beware of them.
The curse of Allah be
On them! How are they
Deluded ( away from the Truth! )
- Al-Munafiqun
  • Truly the rising by night
Is a time when impression
Is more keen and speech
More certain.
- Al-Muzzammil
  • Nay, (ye men)!
But ye love
The fleeting life,
And leave alone
The Hereafter.
- Al-Qiyamat
  • So, verily,
With every difficulty,
There is relief :

Verily, with every difficulty
There is relief.

Therefore, when thou art
Free (from thine immediate task) ,
Still labour hard.
- Al -Inshirah
  • The mutual rivalry
For piling up ( the good things
Of this world ) diverts you
(From the more serious things) ,
Until ye visit the graves.
- At-Takathur
  • Woe to every
(Kind of ) scandal-monger
And backbiter,
Who pileth up wealth
And layeth it by,
Thinking that his wealth
Would make him last
For ever!

By no means ! He will
Be sure to be thrown into
That which Breaks to Pieces.
- Al-Humaza
  • Perish the hands
Of the Father of Flame!
Perish he!

No profit to him
From all his wealth,
And all his gains!

Burnt soon will he be
In a Fire
Of blazing Flame!

His wife shall carry
The (crackling ) wood -
As fuel!

A twisted rope
Of palm-leaf fibre
Round her own neck!
- Al -Lahab


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