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Shivanand Saraswati

Shivanand Saraswati (1887 - 1963), popularly known as Swami Sivananda, was a Vedanti (proponent of Vedanta) and Hindu yoga guru. He was founder of Divine Life Society (1936). Born Kuppuswami, in Pattamadai (Tirunelveli district) of Tamil Nadu, studied medicine and served as a physician for several years before taking up monasticism. He established Sivananda Ashram on the bank of the Ganges at Muni Ki Reti, about 3 km away from Rishikesh now in Uttarakhand state of India.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
- Exponent of Japa
  • Thy fly runs towards the fire or lamp, thinking that it is a flower, and gets burnt up. Even so, the passionate man runs towards a false beautiful form, thinking that he can obtain real happiness, and gets burnt up in the fire of lust.

Zalman Shneour

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