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Sun Yat-sen

Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), also known as Sun Wen or Sun Zhong Shan, was a Chinese military and political leader, who is known as father of his country. He founded Kuomintang and led Republican Revolution. He led uprising against the Manchu (Ch'ing) dynasty and finally won victory in 1911. He became provisional president when China proclaimed republic in 1912. Northern warlord Yuan Shih Kai defeated him and therefore he was forced into exile. However, he returned and became elected president of a southern republic in 1923. He died in Peking (Beijing). He tried for a united China. He wrote a famous book titled The Three Principles of the People.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • The rest of mankind is the carving knife ... while we are the fish and the meat.
- on colonialism in China
  • When we undertake a task, we should not falter from first to last until the task is accomplished; if we fail, we should not begrudge our lives as a sacrifice - this is what we mean by loyalty. The ancient teaching of loyalty meant sometimes death.
  • If the idea of revolution is to win out, it must be through political enlightenment. It is useless to try to impose it by force of arms.
  • Class war is not the cause of social progress; it is a disease developed in the course of social progress. The cause of the disease is the inability to subsist, and the result of the disease is war.
  • To understand is hard. Once one understands, action is easy.

Beatrix Potter

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