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Taha Husayn

Taha Husayn (1891-1973) was an Egyptian writer, novelist, and literary critic. Taha also wrote short stories. Known as the leader of the modernists, Taha wrote a controversial book on Jahili (pre-Islamic) literatures. His autobiography Al-Ayyam (The Days) dealing with his early blindness and creation of a sensibility dictated by sound rather than sight.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Believe me, dear reader, our real national duty ... is ... to make Egyptians feel, individually and collectively, that God has created them for glory, not ignominy; strength, and not weakness; sovereignty, and not submission; renown, and not obscurity, and to remove from their hearts the hideous and criminal illusion that they are created from some other clay than Europeans, formed in some other way, and endowed with an intelligence other than theirs.
- Mustaqbal al-thaqafa (The Future of Culture)

Ho Chi Minh

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