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Vaman was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

According to an Indian mythological story, the demon-king Bali was so powerful that he acquired dominion over all the three worlds and ousted the gods from heaven.

The mother of gods, Aditi, prayed to Lord Vishnu for relief and the latter was born as a son to Aditi in the form of a dwarf (Vaman). The dwarf appeared before Bali and as a Branman boy asked him for alms. The demon-king promised to give him whatever He asked. Lord Vaman said He wanted only as much land as could be measured in three strides. King Bali, who was noted for his generosity, granted the Brahman boy's request at once.

The divine Dwarf now assumed colossal dimensions. In one stride He measured the whole earth and covered heaven with another. For the third step Lord Vaman planted His foot on the blessed demon and sent him down to the subterranean region known by the name of Sutal, of which he became the sovereign. Won by his unique self-sacrifice and adherence to truth Lord Vaman ever waits as a porter at his door.

King Bali will be installed as Indra in the next Manvantar.

Page last modified on Sunday August 21, 2011 07:06:33 GMT-0000