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Wen Yiduo

Wen Yiduo (1899-1947) was a Chinese writer, poet, scholar and critic. He stressed on artist's responsibility to society. He was eventually assassinated.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Perhaps scraps of brass may hue to turquoise,
Peach blossoms flower from rusting cans,
The greasy scum weave a texture of gauze
And a tinted haze steam up from the germs.
So this ditch of hopeless dead water
May well boast a certain splendour;
Then if the frogs can't bear the silence
Out of dead water a song will rise.
- Dead Water
  • The history of mankind's battle forward through bloodshed is like the formation of coal, where a great deal of wood is needed to produce a small amount of coal.

Carlos P Romulo

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