For him when any incident occurs, it is the Police that is responsible (and that is not in AAP control). If there is Dengue outbreak the Municipal Corporation controlled by the BJP is the villain. When any other thing happens, then BJP and Congress are responsible. If some of his people are arrested then the Centre is trying to destabilize the Aam Aadmi party government. If the party splits due to his high handedness, it is the opposition, which is engineering it. If there is a break down in law and order it is because the police is not with him. If he gets a bad publicity it is due to the media. And the list goes on. And what is his answer to all these? Taking to the streets!

Look at Kejriwal’s politics. He was the product of activism and a movement against corruption. Then he moved on to politics and successfully captured power in 2013 only to rule for 49 days. The second time in February 2014 he won a whopping 67 out 70 seats and became the chief minister apologising for his earlier mistakes. Since then, what has he done?

In the past few months he has been fighting his own party leaders like Yogendra Yadav and Prashant Bhushan and saw his party split. Then he had to face embarrassment of his ministers getting arrested for irregularities and he himself sacked a minister for corruption. The party has only shrunk in the past nine months.

He has picked a fight with the Lt Governor Najeeb Jung on various issues including appointments and in the process also took on the centre for not allowing him to function and ultimately it was the administration, which suffered as he took the fight to the bureaucrats too.

Who are the bad boys according to Kerjiwal? His first target is Prime Minister Narendra Modi followed by Najeeb Jung. Kejriwal had pitted himself against Modi in Benares during the Lok Sabha polls and he continues to dream of becoming the prime minster some day. Moreover, it is clear that Kejriwal knew he had limited powers as police and land powers are not with him. Even before the Assembly polls, he started his agitation for getting full statehood for Delhi, which was what his predecessors demanded whether from the Congress or BJP but the centre had a deaf ear. So Kerjwial is trying to find some excuse to start an agitation for full statehood. This is his political agenda.

The second target is police. He had been consistent in this even during his first stint as chief minister. His strained relations with the Delhi police goes back a long way since the India Against Corruption rally in Ramlila grounds. Again it was the Delhi police, which removed him by force when he sat on a dharna in his first stint as chief minister. In his second stint he had used lewd words like “thulla” against the police, which was in bad taste. “The entire Delhi police is out to put AAP MLAs behind bars on Modi's order,' Kejriwal alleged and said that Jung was just Modi's puppet placed to hinder their good work.

His third is the BJP. Whenever any epidemic like Dengue breaks out , it is the BJP controlled MCD which becomes his target. In the recent dengue episode, he woke up a little late and got the government machinery geared up to deal with it. No doubt the MCD had failed but why did not the state government take steps in advance to safeguard the health of the citizens of Delhi? Both AAP and BJP made tall promises to Delhites on the issue of healthcare.

His fourth is the media. Media is the villain for his failures and he threatened to file defamation suits and calling for public trials when his ministers got exposed in some court cases.

To be charitable to AAP perhaps the movement has captured government too fast and the members are still in the opposition mode and there is not enough talent in the cabinet. The transition came too fast.

Secondly Kejriwal is in a hurry to deliver and knows he cannot because of several constraints. This makes him frustrated and seek scapegoats. So he started looking around finding faults with Modi, Jung, BJP, Congress, police, courts, media and institutions.

How long can the chief minister get away by blaming others? There comes a time when the public gets disenchanted with the government which it had given a massive mandate. Should he not see the writing on the wall and begin to govern for which he was elected? There are so many things he can do within the powers he now has instead of wasting his energy on other things. (IPA Service)