After 10 years of Dijvijay Singhs’ government who is infamous as Mr. Bantadhar, when the BJP government came in power, Uma Bharti became the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. But due to some judicial issues, she gave her resignation within few months. Then Babulal Gour became the new post-holder. At that time nobody had even imagined that Shivraj Singh could become Chief Minister as his name was nowhere in the list of Senior BJP leaders in the state. However after a immense political drama in Nov 2005, the then BJP President of Madhya Pradesh Mr. Shivraj Singh Chauhan became Chief Minister. Although, he was made the Chief Minister of the State but it was assumed that he could not continue even for more then 1-2 years. He was supposed to be a Chief Minister having weak administrative hold and one who is surrounded by lot of political opponents.
By moving ahead in a slow pace, Shivraj made his strong position in the government and the party. The situation so turned up that in 2008 Assembly election, the BJP fought the election with the slogan, ‘Phir BJP, Phir Shivraj’ (BJP Again & Shivraj Again). This time BJP received more seats than expectations, which was considered to be victory of Shivraj. It became clear that Mr. Shivraj will be the first non congress leader in the State to complete 5 years of tenure as Chief Minister. But even then, it was not assumed that he will be the longest serving Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh.
History of Madhya Pradesh shows that no government including coalition government of 1967, Janta Party government of 1977 and BJP government of 1990 could complete its tenure. And number of Chief Ministers changed even in their short tenure government.BJP returned to power for third time in the state in 2005 but it had not changed its Chief Minister after 2005, which was being practised earlier. It was a big turning point in the political history of Madhya Pradesh. The notion of the political analysts have broken that non-Congress government in the state cannot be restored, so it has also shattered the notion that it would not be possible to break the record of Diggi Raja.
The various developmental and welfare schemes developed by Shivraj Singh Chauhan’s government have also contributed to his great political success. Shivraj Singh has created several schemes for the poor and vulnerable groups. Various schemes were framed and implemented for the welfare and protection of women from womb to her wedding. Various schemes were developed in the state like Ladli Laxmi, Gaon ki Beti, Kanyadaan along with schemes for the upliftment of schedule caste and schedule tribe. Government has organized dozens of Maha Panchayats like Kishan Panchayat, Khiladi Panchayat, Mahila Panchayat, Kotwar Panchayat, Gharelu Kamkazi Mahila Panchayat to resolve their issues and to seek their suggestions for improvement. The campaign ‘Aao Bananye Apna Madhya Pradesh’ is focusing on increasing the emotional and cultural attachment of the people towards the state.
With the strong hold on the pulse of the public and implementation of various developmental programmes, Shivraj restored an image of popular political leader. It helped him to overcome many odds situations and obstacles to set up new record in the politics of the State. It will be difficult for any other political party to beat his record. (IPA)
India: Madhya Pradesh
Special Correspondent - 2015-11-28 11:25
BHOPAL: Mr. Shivraj Singh Chauhan, Chief Minister, Madhya Pradesh is setting up a new record in the state politics as the longest serving chief minister. Previously senior Congress leader & Ex Chief Minister Mr. Digvijay was known for this. Digvijay ruled for about 10 years and one day from December 7, 1993 to December 7, 2003. None of the other chief ministers whether from Congress or other political party could hold the post so long. And more interestingly, no non-Congress leader could even complete 5 years tenure. Shivraj Singh Chauhan who became Chief Minister on 29th November 2005 after Babulal Gour is now setting up new record by breaking the record of former Chief Minister Digvijay Singh.