No doubt the Labour under Jeremy has not been in a robust manner. It had a disastrous election in Scotland but to the dismay of his detractors, held on to council seats in England and won the mayoral elections in London, Bristol, Liverpool and Salford. This brought about change in the perception and outlook of his party men. But some die hard critics did not take the development as a good omen and even warned that the results did not provide enough indication that the party would get a majority at the next election.

Corbyn is unmoved of these criticisms. He has a bold and ambitious plan to win in 2020. He is confident of winning the elections and Labour coming to power. Leader’s new strategy is to “try to bore people into submission with banalities”. In fact Corbyn said: “Elections showed Labour’s recovery has begun in earnest. We now need to work together to turn that into the kind of sustained revival that will deliver an election victory for the whole country in 2020.”
He plans to take to different kind of politics and a new economic strategy built around public investment and enterprise and fair taxation. Labour is aiming to win seats it has not held for decades and some it has never won before in 2020 with a “bold and ambitious” programme for government.

What has been really significant is Corbyn is not at all harsh towards his detractors. He is even tolerant to his shadow cabinet ministers indulging in his criticism. It was for the second time during last couple of weeks that Corbyn directly addressed the issue of what he needs to do to win in 2020 after criticism by some of his party colleagues that he was not focused enough on getting into Downing Street.

There was no grand swing to the Conservatives in this election. Labour’s vote rose despite the loss of Scotland. The Labour leadership nurse the opinion that the party not obviously tied to the Establishment, and able to take a robust line against the neoliberal EU, could win these voters over. The right can’t do that.

Corbyn intended to make his policies “plain as a pikestaff” so that people would know exactly what the party stood for. To accomplish the task Corbyn intends to attract young and non-voters as well. He also plans to hold discussion on the issue of English identity, as this has been haunting particularly the younger generation.

The majority of voters are left of the mainstream politics espousing from taxing the rich to renationalising the railways and utilities. There is an imperative need for popularising the left programme. It is the left which can pull such a programme together. Corbyn and his team members feel that the younger generation has been feeling alienated. They need to be involved.

Corbyn’s initiatives have started paying dividend. New young members are joining Labour in extraordinary numbers. Corbyn has provided a pro people orientation to the British politics. Even prime minister David Cameron is suddenly finding his compassion for the poor and hopeless. This comes from a realisation that Corbyn speaks to and arouses those who believe mainstream politicians do not give a damn about those who are not middle class. The young are becoming more emboldened.

However with this development his detractors have also started accusing him of implementing Putin’s policies and programmes. They allege that he advocates everything that pleases Putin. It is said that Corbyn wants UK to even exit NATO leaving the UK completely defenceless against Russian blackmail.

Undaunted by such criticisms his supporters have to say; he has been pursuing pro-people policies. It is good if the vast majority of people are better off under a Corbyn government. The fact is Greece is a completely different situation to the UK and greatly aggravated by being forced to bail out banks that that Greece owed money to and not the people of Greece.

Tony Blair has described some of Corbyn's policies as “old-fashioned' but it fails to convince the voters. The shift in the peoples’ mood is quite perceptible; they do not want to continue with the capitalist economic policies. Putting railways back into public sector ownership has cross-party support, with even Conservative supporters divided evenly over the issue - 42 per cent back renationalising the railways; 42 per cent oppose it. Corbyn has already announced a £10bn plan to scrap tuition fees: £7.1bn would be the cost of providing free university education for all and £3bn would be the cost of reinstating maintenance grants scrapped by George Osborne.

One of the defining features of Jeremy Corbyn is his strong opposition to the Iraq War, which he claims is a major factor in the problems currently haunting the Middle East. He described the decision to invade Iraq in 2003 as the worst legacy of the Tony Blair government. Tacitly Corbyn is trying distance from the pro American policies.

Colleagues of Jeremy point out that a broad anti capitalist feeling was prevailing in the country. This is even visible in the matter of referendum on the issue of UK continuing as a member of the European Union. According to them the primary task before the leadership was to provide a direction to the anger and sentiment of the younger generation. This actually Corbyn has been trying to accomplish. (IPA Service)