The decision has come in the backdrop of its curtailment following merger of all Centrally Sponsored Schemes with the States taking into account that the 14th Finance Commission has raised by 10 per cent the devolution of divisible pool of income of the Centre from 32 per cent to 42 per cent, giving flexibility to States to implement various welfare programmes in keeping with its own priorities. As a result, the Special Infrastructure Scheme (SIS) in the Left Wing Extremist (LWE) affected States, implemented since 2008-09, was altogether discontinued from April 1, 2015 and the LWE affected States were left to continue with the SIS in keeping with their own priorities. The SIS was intended to bridge special development infrastructure gaps in the LWE affected States. The Union Ministry of Home Affairs has now decided to revive the SIS as part of umbrella scheme of Modernisation of State Police.

According to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), the Centre had released a total amount of Rs.13, 749.82 crore to the States during the fourteen years from 2000-01 to 2013-14 for Modernisation of State Police, out of which the States had utilized Rs.13, 182.84 crore, which is 96 per cent of the total fund released. In the current financial year 2016-17, the Centre has allocated Rs.1753.90 crore compared to Rs.662.11 crore in 2015-16, registering a steep rise. The States have viewed it as inadequate maintaining that such increased allocation is not in keeping with their requirements. As a matter of fact, State Governments require large funds to modernize their police forces, to improve police infrastructure and to launch development initiatives in the LWE affected States.

The Mega City Policing forming part of Modernisation of State Police since 2005-06 is intended to work as a catalyst in establishing robust policing infrastructure and improving safety scenario in six identified mega cities. With the implementation of the Mega City Policing, policing in the identified mega cities is expected to improve considerably.

Modernization of State Police scheme is an important initiative of the MHA towards capacity building of the State Police Forces. The main objective of the Scheme is to reduce the dependence of the State Government on Army and Central Police Forces. It’s focus is to strengthen the state police infrastructure. Some of the major components of police infrastructure covered under the scheme are police building, police housing, mobility, weapons, equipment, training, computerization and forensic science. The scheme comprises Plan funds for infrastructure works and Non-Plan funds for weapons, equipment for communications, training, forensic science and related items.