Dr. Najib is gradually emerging as an inspiring figure among .the two aggrieved nationalities in Pakistan On the contrary, Talibans and other variants of Islamic terrorists are on the backfoot with the new findings by Afghanistan's Strategic and Scientific Research Center (ASSRC). The Pak intelligence outfit, Inter-Services Intelligence Agency (ISI), had a hand in the assassination of Dr Najib. On the 20th anniversary of death of ex-Afghan President, an Afghan research centre released findings of a study claiming that the former leader was killed based on an intelligence plan, drafted by regional countries and adopted by the ISI/
ASSRC deputy chief Aimal Liyan, stated, 'There is evidence tjat the plan to kill Najibullah was implemented by ISI” involving former ISI biggies like and Aslam Beg, Gen. Hamid Gul, former ISI chief and Nasirullah Babur. But there ‘there were other intelligence officials from other countries’, hinting at the CIA and Saudi intelligence. 'Dr. Najibullah was in favor of unity among Afghans. He wanted peace in the country but he was killed,' Liyan asserted.
Dr Najibullah was the President of Afghanistan from 1987 until his ousting by the mujahedeen in 1992. He then lived in the United Nations headquarters in Kabul until his assassination. The UN had gone back on its promise of rescuing him for four years as the Talibans prevented the UN forces, especially in the capital of Afghanistan, from implementing the plan.
The belated realization about the genuine patriotism and social commitment of Dr Najib and his government, is due to the fast growing chagrin towards violence stated wellknown journalist and commentator, Ali M Latifi, specializing in Afghan politics. The brave Afghan leader’s acceptance is slowly flowering even among tribals in the internal war-torn country He spoke of riding a wave of popularity of Najibullah among violence-weary Afghans four years ago. Indeed, after two decades, Dr Najibullah, reappears as a symbol of peace which is much needed not only in Afghanistan but Balochistan and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa provinces in Pakistan too.
Najib, to some in Afghanistan “a radiant symbol of peace”, had started his politics from the days when he was a student. His worldview revolved around socialism, communism and humanism. Iftikhar remembers one late night when Dr Najib came alone to his apartment for a visit.
His liberal and humanist identity used to be reflected in his Pakhtun chadar (mantle), wrapped around his robe who was fond of stating candidly. ‘This is my Haywad motherland and I want to convey the message to terrorists that I am ready to sacrifice my life.’
Now, according to a Pakistani academic sympathizing with the demand for more autonomy for Balochistan, who made several trips incognito to Afghanistan too, the slain Afghan communist who belonged to the Parcham faction of the Progressive Democratic Party of Afghanistan, memories of Najibullah come alive among Pakhtuns and Balochs in Pakistan. 'His trademark”, Latifi wrote ,” was that he was very strong and brave... a man who made decisions,' quoting Daoud Kaiyan, former director-general of a state-owned media agency who for nearly half a century had a professional and personal relationship with Najibullah.
Mian Iftikhar Hussain, former information minister of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, and a senior leader of Awami Narional Party recalls his meeting with Dr Najib – better known as Najib Sahin. “I remember some of my meetings with Dr. Najib on the 77th independence day of Afghanistan. I was in Kabul. Pakhtun nationalist leader Wali Khan and Dr. Najib were returning from Moscow and I was in the queue of those who had gathered to receive the gentlemen. When Wali Khan saw me, he smiled and told Najib, ‘In Moscow, students were asking about this guy!’” Najib told me after four days that he would call me for a meeting. Najib was an intellectual and a broadminded nationalist leader – he was inspired by the Bacha Khan and Wali Khan tradition of politics.”
ANP is politically opposed to the Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), led by former Pak Test cricket captain Imran Khan. TTP is accused of being soft towards Islamic terrorists, Mian Iftikhar Hussain, former president of Pakhtoon Student Federation, who called on the Afghan communist leader several times goes on to add, “There was a beautiful presidential palace in the heart of Kabul but Dr. Sahib was living in a very small home. One day, he invited us for dinner. Everyone was astonished when we saw that he was living in a very simple and small house. I heard his speeches – his personality was towering and whenever he delivered a speech, his voice was like thunder!”
The objective reality of togetherness of the Baloch and Pakhtoon nationalities is explained by Baloch journalist associated for several decades with the Baloch national struggle, Hafeez Hassanabadi. “Pakistan has become a financial beneficiary of Afghan ruins. On top of that, in order to save its unnatural geography, Pakistan continues to commit the crime of Baloch and Pashtun genocide with resources it receives from America and Western countries. The majority of Baloch people and some progressive thinking Pashtuns are well aware of the fact that Durand-Line is the main cause of Pashtun and Baloch misery which has provided Pakistan a strategic edge to maintain its existence”.
There is no denying that the Baloch people are subjected to the worst type of brutalities by the military-bureaucratic administration of Pakistan for their legitimate demand for autonomy. Refusal of Punjabi ruling class forced the Baloch to switch over to the struggle for self-determination, demanding sovereign status for Balochistan. (IPA Service)
Sankar Ray - 2016-10-20 18:55
The spectre of Dr Mohammad Najibullah Ahmadzai, the last communist president of Afghanistan, haunts the dens of increasingly isolated CIA-propped Islamic terrorists. Najibullah and his brother Shahpur Ahmadzai were killed by Afghan Talibans on the 26th of September 1996 in the UN compound in Kabul city, castrated openly on 27 September 1996 by the Talibans who dragged their bloodied body behind a truck through the streets of Kabul and got them hung from a pole, where it remained for more than a day.