Already the US society as of now, is sitting on volcano. President Obama despite his best efforts, has not been successful in bridging the racial gap amidst highly racial campaign by the conservative Republicans and the white police officers. The Republicans are controlling the Senate and the House and it has been a running battle for the first black President to get his pro-people measures approved by the Congress. The Police Officers Union dominated by the whites, is influenced by the Republicans and in the present campaign, many parts of the US administration are siding with the Republicans. Democratic Party Candidate Hillary Clinton’s image as a lobbyist of Wall Street and a symbol of establishment for the last three decades, is acting as a disincentive for the young Americans who were highly enthused at the call by Bernie Sanders for building an America for 99 per cent, during the campaign for Democratic nomination. The mails released by Wikileaks showing Clinton establishment manipulated the nomination process before the Convention, has also damaged Hillary’s standing among the Bernie supporters. But Bernie Sanders has been running around in the swing states in support of Clinton and he is campaigning that Trump is a danger to the American working class and poor and by electing Hillary, way will be cleared for the implementation of the Democratic Platform programme which is the most pro-people one in the history of the Democratic Party.
In fact, in the last stage of the campaign, the Left and the centrists of the Democratic Party have taken control of the campaign and they are working tirelessly for the defeat of Trump who is trying to take advantage of Hillary’s lapses. President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and Bernie Sanders along with other progressives are out in the campaign field and addressing series of meetings. Bernie’s Sanders organization” Our Revolution” is in the campaign field with their dedicated volunteers and the Bernie is ensuring that in the elections to the Senate and Congress, the progressive candidates endorsed by him, are elected. This is very important since even if Hillary is elected, she cannot function properly unless the Democrats are able to restore their majority in the Congress through the Nov 8 elections.
As the American progressives see it, any substantive change in domestic and foreign policy begins by blocking Trump from the presidency and breaking the Republican majorities in Congress. The present electoral coalition united behind Hillary Clinton will have to continue post-election to fight to implement the Democratic Party platform which is meant to protect the immediate interests of the American workers and the poor. The US$ 15 per hour minimum wage is a part of this programme and that is the first stage of restoring some equality in the US wage level.
For Indian Government as also the Indians who have voting rights in this Presidential elections, Trump is a big threat as he has no consistent foreign policy framework. He is advised in respect of foreign policy by some right wingers who have extreme views and who are sure to opt to te path of confrontation if Trump gets Presidency. The Trump camp talks of anti-muslim actions but in practice, this will send the country into turmoil and affect the fate of the Indians also. Hillary is a neo liberal, she has many faults but she is a guarantor of stability and with Bernie by her side now and the Bernie supporters occupying important positions in the Programmme committee, Hillary is expected to act sensibly taking into the interests of the American people. She has been a leading member of India caucus in the US Congress for long and she is well informed of the issues with India. Trump is talking from his hat when he says of helping India. His advisers have made no study of India-US relations and the strategy the Trump presidency will follow. Trump foreign policy would be more chaotic, impulsive, unpredictable and disruptive and this will be a danger not only for USA but also for other countries including India.
Trump is a leading real estate tycoon and his organization has deep ties with global financiers, foreign politicians and even criminals. This would be the first time a businessman with his global financial interests, is seeking presidency and if he does not delink himself from his organization after presidency, there will be a series of conflicts of interest. Trump has also his investments in India. Whatever assurances Trump might have given to the Hindus for Trump body during its convention last month, nothing can be implemented if he is elected President. His advisers include a bunch of anti-immigrants who are also anti-Indians. He will be under tremendous pressure to protect the jobs and increase the jobs of the white Americans who are his support base. He will be compelled to take steps against further Indian immigration and also the number of HIB visas will be drastically cut. Trump will encourage the US companies to do larger business in India but he will not allow the Indian companies to have share of the US market. In the first year, he will be most protectionist if he comes to power.
Even now indications suggest that Hillary has good advantage in Electoral College and she will certainly cross the majority figure of 270 out of 538 Electoral College votes. That will be a safe situation for India and the world. This is an unusual election in the USA as the US First Lady Michelle Obama has mentioned. Trump is contrary to whatever is the best in US society. He has fascistic bent of mind. He will be a disaster as a President. India and the World will sigh a relief on November 8 night if Hillary wins the Presidential elections and Trump accepts it with grace. (IPA service)
Nitya Chakraborty - 2016-11-04 12:18
The most acrimonious of the US Presidential elections campaign is drawing to a close and the registered American voters with more than a million of Indians, will be voting on November 8 to choose their future President of the country for a period of four years. The contest is essentially between the Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton and the Republican Donald Trump though there are two other candidates. This US Presidential poll outcome is going to have immense impact on the global polity, international security and the domestic policies in America. Donald Trump has broken the convention of a normal conservative neo-liberal of Republican variety, his policies, speeches and programmes are destined to take America backwards instead of Making America Great and along with this, he will opt for the easy way out by hitting at the immigrants and the religious minorities, especially Muslims in order to appease the uneducated white Americans. If Trump wins this crucial election, the US will be witnessing a social turmoil with the potential of violent clashes taking place between colour and religions.