But others of the lingering generation can compare the situation obtains now with circumstance then with empowering of the administrative structure with draconian powers. Indira Gandhi had imprisoned herself in isolation and powers had passed into hands of a coterie around her younger son Sanjay Gandhi who ruled according to their pleasure and not with rules and laws of justice. Deprival of fundamental rights had also deprived citizens of right to reach courts and censorship had closed avenue of airing their grievances through media. Indira Gandhi was beyond approach of common mass.

She knew little of use of massive power in hands of minions. A police inspector could order detention of a milk vendor under the prohibitive detention law for refusing to supply him free milk. Cries of residents of the Turkman gate could not reach her ears as they were forced out nor could see hear of agonies of slum dwellers in other areas when they were shifted under the police baton to region that snapped their opportunities to work with households. Many similar kinds of incidents happened in parts of North and East India in twenty months of emergency rule. She knew of the total impact of her rule under such conditions only when she was defeated in the 1977 elections.

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi intended, rather earnestly to provide a corruption free regime. Under the belief that politicians are main cause of spread of corruption, he deprived persons around him in political arena of not only political authority but also access to him. Only window to his isolation was avenue of social media attended by his office. Officials tend to treat every complaint as a routine without assimilating political message that it conveys. They have no vision of politician and they do not see need to read much in complaints than what words say and not convey.

In the election campaign he had promised a rapid transition of Indian society through increased pace of economic development. At the end of three years of his rule, pace of economic development slowed down as statistics of government agencies say for first quarter of the year. Tata industries are is doldrums and the Reliance has not come up with new venture in three years. Adam Premaji of WIPRO and Narayan Swamy of Info Technology have slowed down. No new employment opportunities are on card but complaints of reduction in jobs in hunting with small sector is deeper trouble over new laws, regulations and insistence of government to make them pay their tax dues as calculated by tax authorities now equipped with immense powers to raid any joint for due verification without safety net for redress of injustice and unjust demands. Business circles are in agony as demands for bribes are on increase from every section of government alas structure knows that no avenue was open to take complaint to right quarters as politicians are weary of taking up even genuine grievances for the fear of potential accusation of their dishonest intentions.

It unconceivable that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi was unaware of black money invested in holding up the economy while world was plunged in a crisis. Black money means capital on which tax was not paid but otherwise it has same strength as the white money to bring productive results. He went in for demonetization of high currency notes worth 86 per cent in the total currency. Restrictions imposed for three months on withdrawal of cash from bank accounts affected white economy more adversely as several small units of production had to be closed down for want of cash for wages.

The claims of unearthed black wealth three months after demonetization are suspect but the authorities were forced to admit that fake currency note worth over Rs. one lakh crore got authenticated as they were accepted by banks without detection. There was no way to detect their depositors as bank staff was under pressure to detect them. In addition, several instances of bank employees involved in malpractices to help out unscrupulous elements also came to light to tell that corruption cannot be easily eradicated.

The prohibitive nature of law terrorises only honest and persons with conscience. Unscrupulous have art and skills of buying their way out of tight corners as number of unscrupulous behind the desk is much larger.

Pages have been filled to praise the Jan Dhan scheme that enabled 230 million families to have bank accounts that assured social security. Banks were left without avenues to finance expenditure to maintain huge lot of new accounts that insurance companies were not told where they can get sums needed to pay social security sums. Campaign was launched to goad masses to go cashless but the finance ministry authorized banks to charge for more use of bank facilities for cheque or cash transactions. No cure was found for reluctance of most small traders to collect their sales money through cards as banks cut two and half per cent from each of transaction regardless of sums involved though the process involved in transactions through cards is same. Every innovative idea needs a perfect process for implementation that masses can and will easily adopt to make it a successful implementation.

Ideas that the Prime Minister floated in initial months of his regime were great to generate new hopes but soon, the younger generation found that the implementation had merely strengthened hands of unscrupulous elements within the system to create a situation in which any and every trader faces more prospects of spending his days in jail without avenue to seek redress against injustice.