It is worth mentioning here that UIDAI, under the Chairmanship of Shri Nandan Nilekani, has been entrusted with the task of providing unique IDs to all the residents of the country. This is a gigantic task in terms of size, technology, logistics and complexity. The task becomes even more challenging when one considers the diversity in infrastructure and languages in our country.
The approach of the Authority, as of now, centers on a demand-driven strategy which seeks to enroll residents into UID system through an eco system of “Registrars†which are essentially Departments and agencies at the State and Central level who deal with the residents in their normal course of activities. The Authority hopes that as the task before it seeks to bring in people into the system, especially those who are poor and marginalized. The basic thrust of the Authority is on inclusion. Therefore, it hopes that volunteers in the areas of technology, enrolment and other areas will significantly contribute and help the Authority to achieve its goal.
The Authority plans to have volunteers both on a full-time basis as also on a part-time basis. The UIDAI hopes that it will be able to areas of technology awareness creation and enrollment. The Authority plans to have volunteers both on part-time basis as also on a full time basis. The rules lay down the process of enrolling the volunteers and also prescribe various safeguards to ensure that there are no conflicts of interests.#
Unique Identification Authority of India comes up with the rules for volunteers
Special Correspondent - 2009-12-10 11:00
New Delhi: Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has come up with the rules for incorporating volunteers in the work of the Authority so that unique IDs to all the residents of the country could be provided in time.