Eighty major and medium irrigation projects and 3740 minor irrigation schemes have been reported as completed with assistance under Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP) during the period from 1st April 2004 to 31st March 2009.
There has been considerable progress in respect of creation of irrigation potential. As per the available information, the irrigation potential created at pre Plan stage i.e. in 1951 was about 22.6 million hectares which increased to about 102.7 Mha by the end of Xth Plan. Irrigation potential of about 87.2 Mha has been reported as utilized by the end of Xth Plan.
Irrigation being a State subject, irrigation projects are conceived, planned and implemented by the respective State Governments as per their own priority. However, Government of India provides central assistance to the State Governments for completion of on-going irrigation projects under AIBP for early completion of the projects. Ministry of Water Resources has also launched a scheme for Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of Water Bodies under which assistance is provided to the States. Due emphasis has been laid on irrigation development during XI Plan. The overall outlay for irrigation, command area development and flood control in the State and Central Plan during XI Plan is Rs. 2,32,311 crore against the X Plan outlay of Rs.95,743 crore
This information was given by the Minister of State for Water Resources, Shri Vincent H. Pala in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.#
Status of irrigation in India
Special Correspondent - 2009-12-10 11:06
New Delhi: Out of estimated ultimate irrigation potential of about 139.9 million hectare (Mha), State Governments have reported creation of irrigation potential of about 106.3 Mha up to March 2009.