A large number of workers are involved at every step of nuclear energy. Since nuclear energy is directly linked to radiations, it is important to examine if the workers or their families living in and around these facilities have any associated health problems. The Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) had conducted a study on heallth status of indigenous people arround Jadugoda uranium mines situated in Jharkhand. The study was conducted under the leadership of Dr Shakeel Ur Rahman, who is presently the general secretary of IDPD.

All mining operations have related occupational health and safety hazards. Uranium mines present another hazard to workers and to members of the public. That is a radiation hazard. There are three types of exposure paths in the surrounding of uranium mine.

1. Uranium mining and milling operations produce dust and gas (radon) having radioisotopes that are inhaled by miners and deliver internal radiation.
2. Through the ingestion of uranium series radioisotopes, transported in surface waters discharged from the mine delivering an internal radiation.
3. The gamma-ray exposure by approaching tailing ponds or mine-tailings.

The population living around the Jadugoda uranium mines was found to be suffering from following health effects:

Congenital Deformities: The investigation showed that babies from mothers, who lived near the uranium mining operation area, suffered a significant increase in congenital deformities. While 4.49% mothers living in the study villages reported that children with congenital deformities were born to them, only 2.49% mothers in reference villages fell under this category.

The study when seen in this background reveals that people with disabilities in the study villages are significantly more than the all India average.

Moreover, increased number of children in the study villages are dying due to congenital deformities. Out of mothers who have lost their children after birth, 9.25% in the study villages reported congenital deformities as the cause of death of their children as compared to only 1.70% mothers in the reference villages. The result shows that children born to mothers who lived near uranium mining operational area are more likely to die due to congenital deformities.

Primary Sterility: For the study purpose, the criteria of primary sterility were laid down to be a married couple not having conceived for at least three years after the marriage, and not using any method of contraception. The result shows that while 9.60% of couples in study villages have not conceived even after three years of marriage, only 6.27% of couples from reference villages fell under this category. The finding demonstrates that couples living near uranium mining operational area are approximately 1.58 times more vulnerable to primary sterility.

Cancer: On being asked the cause of last death in the household, 2.87% households in the study villages attributed the cause of death to be cancer, whereas, 1.89% households in reference village fell under this category. The study reveals that cancer as a cause of death among people living near uranium mining operational area is significantly high.

Life Expectancy: The study shows that increased numbers of people living near uranium mining operational area are dying before completing 62 years of age. The average life expectancy in the state of Jharkhand is 62 years. The study shows that 68.33% the of deaths in the study villages were happening before attaining 62 years of age, whereas 53.94% deaths were reported in reference villages under this category. The findings are discerning and the difference is significant.

Other variables: The study tried to look at a few other health variables as well, like prevalence of spontaneous abortion among married women, still births and chronic lung diseases. The prevalence of all these health variables was definitely more in the study villages as compared to reference village, but the results were statistically not significant. (IPA Service)