It is estimated that owing to topographic, hydrological and other constraints, the utilizable water is 1123 BCM which comprises of 690 BCM of surface water and 433 BCM of replenishable ground water resources. As per the available assessment, about 450 BCM of surface water and 231 BCM of ground water resources is being utilized for diverse purposes. Rest of the water could be considered to be flowing down to sea. The assessment of available water resources has been made river basin-wise.
With a view to, optimally utilize the available resources, several measures for development and management of water resources are undertaken by the respective State Governments which include creation of storages, restoration of water bodies, rain water harvesting, artificial recharge to ground water and adoption of better management practices etc. Storage capacity of about 225 Billion Cubic Metre (BCM) has been created so far. As per present assessment, the total estimated storage capacity of the various projects under construction is about 64 BCM. Further, the State Governments have identified various other schemes for investigation and planning and the estimated storage for such scheme is about 108 BCM. State Governments conceive, plan and implement major and medium irrigation projects and minor schemes (both surface and ground water) for utilization of water resources.
Government of India is providing central assistance to the State Governments through various schemes/programmes, such as Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP); Command Area Development and Water Management (CADWM) Programme; scheme for Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Water Bodies etc. The Ministry of Water Resources encourages conservation of water including measures such as traditional water conservation practices, rainwater harvesting and recharge to ground water and adoption of better management practices. A scheme for artificial recharge to ground water through dugwell in hard rock areas in seven States namely Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karanataka, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu has also been launched.
The annual replenishable ground water resources of the country have been assessed as 433 billion cubic metres (bcm) as per the assessment of ground water resources carried out by the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) jointly with States in 2004. Keeping 34 bcm for natural discharge, net annual ground water availability has been estimated as 399 bcm. Annual ground water withdrawal for all uses in the country is estimated as 231 bcm with stage of ground water development at 58%. Ground water withdrawal for irrigation is 212 bcm, which is 92% of the total ground water withdrawal.
As per the assessment, recharge to the aquifers from monsoon rainfall has been estimated as 248 billion cubic metres (bcm). Considering the annual precipitation in the country as 4000 bcm, monsoon rainfall recharge works out to be 6.2% of the annual precipitation for the country as a whole.
Construction of underground reservoir for tapping the rain water for streamlining the water distribution system is not envisaged under any of the ongoing schemes of Ministry of Water Resources. However, the Ministry of Water Resources has scheme for supporting artificial recharge to ground water and rain water harvesting by construction of various structures like percolation tanks, check dams, subsurface dykes, recharge shafts/trenches, injection wells, gabion structures, etc.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Water Resources Shri Vincent H.Pala in a written reply in the Lok Sabha today.#
Annual water availability in India 1869 BCM, utilizable 1123 BCM, used 681 BCM, rest flowes into the Sea
Special Correspondent - 2009-12-16 12:48
New Delhi: The average annual precipitation is estimated as 4000 Billion Cubic Metre (BCM) in the country. After accounting for the natural process evaporation etc., the average annual water availability in the country is assessed as 1869 BCM.