International Women’s Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women. Besides, there is global celebrations of the valour of woman and her inner strength. Woman is generous, passionate and audacious. Knows solution to all problems. Woman, as mother, sister, wife, daughter and the most dedicated functionary at work place is, in deed, pillar of society. Not only she is externally beautiful but her inner strength is the most beautiful thing on earth. She gives life to life.
Coming to our country, it must be said, India has enacted over 41 laws during the last two centuries to empower women ensuring gender justice. Yet India has been spoiled by many atrocities against women like rape, dowry, female infanticide, exploitation at work place and many more crimes against them. Women are facing patriarchal hegemony, stereotyping, objectification, commoditization and misogyny. Nevertheless, there have been myriad strides in their uplift. Still, India has miles to go before real gender justice is visible. Even when corruption and crime against women are on the rise in India, our women should continue to march with the idea that she is the one who has the power to nurture, create and shape up lives, her voice carries a great depth of knowledge and strength. On her shoulder lies the responsibility of building the dreams of each of the members of the family. She should be proud of being woman.
While the first observance of Women’s Day was held on February 28, 1909 in New York, March 8 was suggested by the 1910 International Women’s Conference to become “International Women’s Day” after women gained suffrage in Soviet Russia in 1917. March 8 became a national holiday there. The Day was then celebrated by the socialist movement and communist countries until it was adopted in 1975 by the United Nations.
Since 1996 International Women’s Day has been celebrated thematically year wise. It was celebrating the Past, Planning for the Future in 1996, followed by Women and the Peace Table in 1997, Women and Human Rights in 1998, World Free of Violence Against Women in 1999, Women Uniting for Peace in 2000, Women and Peace: Women Managing Conflicts in 2001, Afghan Women Today: Realities and Opportunities in 2002, Gender Equality and the Millennium Development Goals in 2003, Women in HIV/AIDS in 2004, Gender Equality Beyond 2005; Building a More Secure Future in 2005, Women in Decision-Making in 2006, Ending Impunity for Violence Against Women and Girls in2007, Investing in Women and Girls in 2008, Women and Men United to End Violence Against Women and Girls in 2009, Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities Progress for All in 2010, Equal Access to Education, Training and Science and Technology, Pathway to Decent Work for Women in 2011, Empower Rural Women, End Poverty and Hunger in 2012, A Promise is a Promise: Time for Action to End Violence Against Women in 2013, Equality for Women is Progress for All in 2014, Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity: Picture it in 2015, Planet 50:50 by 2030: Step it Up for Gender Equality in 2016, and Women in Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030 in 2017.
Individually, women have made mark in all walks of lives outshined and are even ahead of men. Collectively, however, they continue to suffer discriminations right from the childhood at all stages of their lives from the patriarchy. Social insecurity, financial insecurity, illiteracy, poverty, backwardness and several other deprivations continue to haunt them. It’s time laws empowering women were implemented without prejudices and women provided full gender justice for equitable, rapid, balanced and unhindered all round peace and progress in India and the world!
M.Y.Siddiqui - 2018-03-06 10:37
The world celebrates International Women’s Day on March 8 every year. It commemorates the movement for world wide women’s rights. This year’s theme, set by the United Nations, is Time is now: Rural and Urban Activists Transforming Women’s Lives in 2018. It will be relevant to describe attributes of each of the five alphabets that forms the word WOMAN. Alphabet ‘W’ means Wonderful Mother, ‘O’ means Outstanding Friend, ‘M’ means Marvelous Daughter, ‘A’ Adorable Sister and ‘N’ Nicest Divine Gift to Humans. This, in sum, connotes multifarious and multi-tasking role that woman performs. Now, more than ever, there is strong call-to-action to press forward and progress gender parity. There is a strong call to professor progress motivating friends, colleagues and whole communities to think, act and be gender inclusive.