CPI believes that these raids are carried out to divert the attention of people from Sanatan Sanstha and their conspiracies to carry out serial bomb attacks on Eid and Ganesh Chaturthi as well as their involvement in the murder of Gauri Lankesh, Dabholkar, Govind Pansare and other rationalists.

According to the CPI statement, after the Bhim Koregoan violence against Dalits, the BJP governments in Maharashtra and at centre have used their different agencies to chalk out such a sinister plan to arrest these human rights activists by levelling false and cooked up charges and fabricated stories to link them with the Maoist movement.

These attacks on democratic and civil rights expose once again the fascistic character of the present government. This calls for the broader unity and actions of all secular, democratic and left forces to defend the constitutional rights of Indian citizens, CPI said. CPI has demanded immediate release of the arrested individuals and dropping of all false and fabricated charges against them.