As I travelled to northern parts of Cyprus One could see that the impact of sharp devaluation of Turkish currency Lira was evident with Greek Cypriots crossing over to take the advantage.

So much so Cypriots were seen taking cars and other vehicles to cross the border to get their tanks full at lower prices.

Significantly enough there has been 81 per cent increase in south-north movement but Turkish Cypriots going to shops declined by 14 per cents.

In order to clear the rush coming from Northern region third lane has been opened at Ayios Dhometios checkpoint.

According to the Green Line Regul maximum value of goods a person can cross with is ,€ 260.

Recent survey by Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce disclosed that it was due to massive fall in Lira which created problem for Turkey as well as in occupied area.

According to one survey one basket with 46 products comes to € 121 48 per cent less than in South where it would cost € 180 .

I could see huge line at the border whether going on foot or by car towards northern part of Cyprus which was occupied by Turkey way back in 1974.

Back in Cyprus I noticed that there was great improvement in local economy since my last my last visit in 2013 when country was feeling under great recession.

Local Cypriots informed that things improved during last five years with the influx of people from China and other country.

Huge investments are being made by China and other countries in Cyprus. There have been increase in salaries of local Cypriots.

As compared to 2013 when all most all the shops were either closed or put on let out and there was no life on roads now things are are improving with economy showing signs of growth.