Eshwar, who hails from a family of Sabarimala tantris (priests), has sworn to “raise an army of the young” to work up a “Jallikattu Moment” in Kerala a la Tamil Nadu. “It was this same CJI Dipak Misra who laughed and condescendingly told the Tamil people to play computer games instead of asking for Jallikattu. He had to eat crow. I’m not afraid of him.”
Stating that it was ‘Tamil unity’ that broke the CJI’s “designs”, the clean-shaven Rahul Eshwar bragged that he will gather a “Jallikattu crowd” to ensure that Swami Ayyappan got justice. “Nobody can play with the sentiments of the Malayali and the Hindus. We have the support of both Muslims and Christians. Dipak Misra is a pathetic liar. We will expose him. I say that with a sense of responsibility.”
Quite the leader of the pack baying for revenge, Eshwar has been studio-hopping ever since the top court gave its “historic” Sabarimala ruling, lifting the ban on the entry of women of certain a age-group into the shrine, his ire not sparing the Pinarayi Vijayan government, which Wednesday morning said it wouldn’t file a review petition in the apex court.
This, even as the RSS and the BJP joined hands to “reverse the bad judgement.” Seeing the massive upsurge of opposition to the apex court’s decision, the Congress too is standing firm with the agitating Hindu Malayali. Congress leader Ramesh Chennithala announced the change of heart and his party colleague Hassan endorsed Eshwar’s initiative to stop “the feminists.”
Rahul Eshwar says the state faces “an invasion” and nothing will be left to chance. Youth from all over Kerala are rallying to his call and women in the age-group 10-50, who should have set out for Sabarimala now that the decks have been cleared, promised not to take advantage of the break in faith. “We are #ReadyToWait, we will not play with Ayyappa Swami’s celibacy,” they said, one after the other.
These are the women Rahul Eshwar has threatened to turn loose on Trupti Desai and her entourage. Spokespersons of the Left Front, knowing that the native eves will not help, are banking on the “tough North Indian girls” to show Rahul Eshwar his place. “Let him try stopping them, they will eat him alive,” one of them said, adding that female police were already on the move.
Meanwhile, the battle continues on television channels. The #RightToPray women have an ally in TKA Nair, aide to former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who claimed his “mother took” him to Sabarimala in her arms when he was “only 1”, in effect conveying that all this “women not allowed” rhetoric was not that hoary in the past.
Rahul Eshwar has no answer to that ‘TKA’, and he is also handicapped because he has nobody else other than his wife Deepa Rahul Eshwar to give him moral and ‘talking point’ support. But she is often left speechless because somebody nasty makes an outlandish metaphysical point that she can’t make head or tail of!
Questions that leave Deepa stumped and not a little embarrassed include “is your celibate deity so weak that his knees go week at the sight of nubile young women?” and “don’t you know women these days have sanitary-pads and sanitary cups to see to it that not a single drop of blood is spilled at your deity’s feet?”
Poor Deepa, she is nowhere in the league of the women who appear on Arnab Goswami’s evening shows! But Deepa Rahul Eashwar has a touching faith in her husband’s ability to pull off a victory! It would help her to remember that those who question Swami Ayyappan’s celibate status the most are the ones who insist they are dying to worship him. She’s like a little waif, #ReadyToWait! (IPA Service)
Sushil Kutty - 2018-10-03 13:02
Social activist Rahul Eshwar says he will lay out a mile-long ‘human carpet’ to welcome #RightToPray feminist antagonist Trupti Desai if and when she lands in Kerala to worship at Sabarimala. “She will have to step over our chests to reach Ayyappa,” he keeps telling Malayalam TV news channels, adding it will not be easy for Trupti. “The Supreme Court will not be there to help her.”