India is not only nation that is groping in dark over her past. The American President Donald Trump earned his term in the White House over his slogan America for Americans. In other words he promised to push Americans to their golden era a century earlier. The overwhelming majority preferred exit from the European Union with a dream of return of the Victorian era when the Brits had ruled over had the world. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia is dreaming of converting Russia into a Tsarist empire. After the failure of both ideologies, the Communism and the Capitalism in new form of global economy, China is hoping to step into era dominated by Confucius and Tao. The Muslim world in the Middle East is engage to replicate the era that had existed only one and half millennium earlier. But Jews in Israel hope reconstruct the sacred land of Israel that existed 2500 years ago. Some are even dreaming of a huge Jewish temple in Jerusalem to replace Aqsa Mosque.

Leaders in most countries have suddenly realized the deep impact that the two technologies have caused. The Info technology and bio technology have not only reduced number of jobs to render humans to be irrelevant but it had also led to concentration of wealth in few hands, that are beyond control of political authorities and outside the judicial purview of each nation. The American capitalism has successful run of two and half centuries to make few billionaires as the democratic structure till recently was by, for and of wealthy. The first written constitution that the liberated Americans adopted guaranteed the individual liberty, freedom of expression and pursuit of happiness as fundamental rights to all but not voting rights. Only after the Supreme Court expanded the franchise to make it universal that the structure of democracy changed. As new laws of social nature were framed affecting huge profits of giant corporations, they sought new pastures for maintaining their high profits.

China offered them an opportunity to exploit its human banks for cheap labour under the protection of the Communist regime that the fleeing Americans found a perfect pasture. The Chinese regime had struggled in vain to improve the life through the adopted ideology. In desperation it had opened the doors of its economy for private sector with a promise of cheap labour. Whip lash can force worker to be in the assembly line but not induce him to deliver the quality product. The initial euphoria for cheap Chinese goods collapsed in a decade as quality of products was not endurable. The China story is collapse of two ideologies, the communism and capitalism in global form. The upsurge of the Chinese economy ended in a disaster only two decades later as the industrialists sought new pastures the customers sought new products that were not made in China.

Most Muslim rulers in different segments in the Middle East had attended to increasing their wealth rather than improving life conditions of their people with new opportunities for jobs. As expansion of Info technology affected minds, it led to revolt by young to overthrow few dictators but Imams took over to build new hopes on ancient concepts. After three thousand years of wandering and humiliations heaped by others, Jews got a home land in 19948 in formation of their own country. They naturally seek to expand their borders to recreate the holy land of Israel.

But Indian conservative minds were seeking for ninety years to go back to old golden era when the upper class had he dominant position in the land. In the golden era three millenniums ago, the deprived and the Dalits had no place in society except as servers of the Upper castes. The Ram Temple at the controversial site in Ayodhya is the symbolic declaration that India is not original inhabitants and not for later immigrants who follow religions that emerged outside India. It also conveys a different definition of religion, a way of worship and not as a way of moral life. To provide strength to the demand, the seniors in the ruling party averred that the judiciary had no role in matters of people’s faith. To ward off the potential of an adverse verdict, the new drama was enacted by refusing to accept the judicial verdict ending prohibition on entry of women in age group that is subjected to menstrual cycle into the Ayyappa temple of Sabrimala hill temple. The judicial verdict aimed at ending the evil practice of isolating the women as untouchables during their natural cycle. But the ruling party unit in Kerala was made to demand persistence of evil practice even in the age where women are not segregated or considered as lesser beings but treated as equals.

Other people are seeking to go back to the past era out of worries over the loss of power and ability to vast numbers to sustain their life through economic activities. The Indian campaign by conservative minds is to tell followers of foreign religions that they have not place in India as immigrants had no place in the golden era. They are to be treated as infiltrators without a clue how to and where to deport them back. The conservative minds are also oblivious to the fact that millions of Indians are in different countries engaged in paying economic activities. By the Indian definition they are also infiltrators and can be a major loss if they were to be deported back. With drive for converting the Indian minds to extensive use of modern technology, NaMo was seeking to create more space for Indians to earn for India. But he is not allowed to move forward through a counter drive. His silence over the temple controversy tells that the temple is not his priority.