For all purposes, Chau had subjugated his loyalty to stay alive to religious Christian loyalty. The adventurer religious fanatic wanted to establish the ‘Kingdom of Jesus’ on a piece of real-estate out of bounds. If the North Sentinel hadn’t shot him full of arrows, he should have been prosecuted for invading India with the aim to set up a kingdom. So what if the North Sentinel don’t have Aadhaar or hadn’t voted in an Indian election, they’re “Indians”, after all, however whichever way you look at them.
Christian missionaries should call it a day and not think Chau’s foray into godless heathen country as ‘heroism’ or some such crap, which calls for more such expeditions to set up the ‘Kingdom of Jesus’ on North Sentinel Island. These are ‘uncontact-people’, and they don’t want outsiders spitting on their island and ogling at their naked women though they wouldn’t care one bit if somebody did that because, in any case, that ‘somebody’ would be dead meat!
Dead meat buried in the sand, or hanging from a tree. Who knows? Chau knew the crap he would be in but was too full of Christian love. Don’t be surprised if he’s ordained ‘Saint’ in a couple of centuries or less, i.e., if Christianity survives that long. The only country somewhat like the North Sentinel Island is North Korea. There’s even a book ‘There Are No Gods In North Korea’. It’s available on Amazon.
That said, the Government of India is partly to blame for Chau’s wasted death. Leaving an island unguarded and that, too, the North Sentinel, is like leaving the LoC unchecked. For the bare as Mother Nature North Sentinel, John Allen Chau walking towards him, Bible held to chest, must have looked like invasion, infiltration.
They might be naked savages for missionaries, ripe for the harvest, but don’t forget, these guys are pretty serious about border control. Shoot-to-kill orders have been in place in North Sentinel Island for 60,000 years. They might not have ‘fire’ or the wheel, the ‘Apple’ that Adam tasted, but it is unlikely that they are killing other two-legs because they know about “immunity” and don’t want Malaria and Common Cold to decimate them.
These bozos just don’t want outsiders on their island. There’s nothing you can give them they don’t want! Least of all, your presence. Maybe North Sentinel women don’t like people who hide genitals for no apparent reason. And, so far, from all accounts, the North Sentinel, male or female, has not set eyes on an “outsider female” of any race.
Send across a couple and most likely they will be welcomed and that will be the end of the bow and arrow culture. Not child-females but the Pamela Anderson sort. And in the buff, not all covered up like the Haryana woman in the Khattar hoarding that is such a hoax played on the Indian woman.
Come to think of it, if Chau had made a naked entry, it might not have been taken as naked aggression, and he might not have caught the arrows that sent him to Kingdom Come! The white man’s crown jewels would have helped set up the ‘Kingdom of Jesus’ more than the Bible Chau held to his shirtfront. Imagine if one of the Sentinel women had taken a fancy to John Allen Chau! She wouldn’t let him out of sight and there would be a couple of little Chaus chancing arrows at Coast Guard choppers and boats.
There is lesson in the Chau episode for the Supreme Court and Pinarayi Vijayan. The feminists! Don’t go about challenging borders whether they be the female-barred of certain age bracket at Sabarimala or the no-outsiders primary notification applicable to the North Sentinel. Chau wanted to introduce Jesus to the naked and Pinarayi wants to snatch God out of the hands of the dyed-in-wool Ayyappa-bhakt. In both cases, borders are sacrosanct.
Chau was a religious nut. Quite different from the North Sentinel, who don’t seem to be touched by God! Else, they too would be religious nuts. ‘Touched’ has that meaning, too – mad, crazy, insane, fanatic… No wonder space aliens keep away from planet Earth, the earthling is better left un-contactable, but not for the North Sentinel reason.
One thing is certain, the North Sentinel are not cannibals. Like everything else about them we don’t know anything about their eating habits. Whether they joke or shave or go to bed at 7 pm sharp! Sleep in bomas or tree-houses? Hell, we don’t even know if they have names! They do not have money but they sure have a defence budget and do not lack in spears and bows and arrows, and have plenty of hostility and skin to show. That, friends, is the naked North Sentinel truth! (IPA Service)
Aditya Aamir - 2018-11-23 12:20
In all honesty, the Government of India should erect a Statue of John Allen Chau, taller than the Statue of Unity, a 1,000 meters out at sea from the North Sentinel Island shore to warn people to stay off the island where Chau took Jesus to and found death. Nobody plays games with the North Sentinel Border Control and gets away with it. Ask POTUS Donald Trump, he has stationed a fraction of the US Army at the ‘Southern Border’ to keep off miserable caravan cretins.