Like Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s utterances. He’s been telling a “delegation” of Indian media things that if read between the lines implicate Pakistan. Finally, a Pakistani Prime Minister is admitting to Pakistan-sponsored cross-border terrorism. While stating that it was “not in Pakistan’s interest to use its territory for terrorism”, Khan said he had “inherited” these issues. If that is not confession, Asiya Bibi should be allowed to fly!
And this guy, who grandstands as easily as a human being will stand upright, also promised he will make a “grand gesture” on terror related issues if there was “response from the other side.” Well, OK, what’s he saying, offering? Will Pakistan handover Dawood Ibrahim to India and take action against terrorists hiding in plain sight in Pakistan, bad hombres like Hafiz Saeed? Will it dismantle the terror launching pads in POK?
What more grand a gesture than these? And doesn’t this imply that Pakistan is and was involved in sponsoring anti-India terror? Not that Imran Khan needs to be embarrassed or shy in admitting to these transgressions but the “delegation” of Indian journalists did not lock him to these indicting statements. They should have; and maybe a Hindi press journo would have slipped in a relevant interjection, somebody who doesn’t go by journalistic niceties in the presence of a host, to someone as grand as Imran Khan.
The point is Khan and his promise of a “grand gesture” was not questioned. What’s more his very next self-indictment went unchallenged. Raising Kashmir, a second time in two days, Khan said “if nothing else, we want the government of India to do something for the people of Kashmir; there are images on social media of bodies, and women crying.”
Who does he think laid those bodies horizontal and made the women cry? The fellow should be given an Oscar in addition to the World Cup he won for Pakistan, he’s that good an actor! Not that Nawaz Sharief and Benazir Bhutto were any less good actors. Pakistan has had a very talented bunch of thespians heading the country. And why not, this is the land that gave Bollywood Dilip Kumar, Prithviraj Kapoor, Raj Kapoor and Shahrukh Khan, all three with roots in Peshawar, Imran Khan’s political base.
The Indian delegation of journalists, wholly representing the English Indian press, did not show the alacrity to no-ball him, he threw the balls wide enough! In fact, Khan was allowed to say more than what he would have got away with, like India should look at the Kashmir issue “differently” and not just as a “territorial issue”; that there could not be a ”military solution.” What does he mean? If Kashmir is not a “territorial issue”, does it mean that Pakistan will settle for POK for Pakistan and the Valley for India, the LoC the permanent border?
Maybe the Chinese are pushing Pakistan, they do have a stake in the cake. Why, only yesterday, Imran Khan declared Gilgit-Baltistan the “newest province” of Pakistan. CPEC cuts through GB and GB is supposedly India territory – POK! Prime Minister Imran Khan says he’s waiting for the next government of India to get installed; that the next Indian Prime Minister of India will resume talks! He is so sure that he’ll build the Kartarpur corridor to drive down for the talks!
If, according to Khan, Kashmir cannot have a “military solution”, does it mean Pakistan is tired of war-mongering with India. The other day he spoke of how “two nuclear-powered” countries can never think of going to war, ever. Does that translate to Gen Qamar Bajwa’s army is done with India and has its eyes fixed on Afghanistan, what with POTUS Donald Trump fixated on getting out of Afghanistan ASAP and leaving it to the wolves – Taliban and Pakistan!
Pfft! Pakistanis for are so consummate liars, the politicians and generals among them at least. Kashmir-hectoring is in their dna and Kashmir is Pakistan’s niche concern, its boutique responsibility! Imran Khan may come out virtuous and may sound like he would go for even sunset, but let’s admit it, like all Pakistani politicians, Imran Khan, too, should be trusted like a fox! Bungee-jumping borders is Pakistan’s adventure sport. (IPA Service)
Aditya Aamir - 2018-11-30 10:04
Hidden in the caravan bungee-jumping into the United States from Mexico is HIV, respiratory diseases, chicken pox, hepatitis and tuberculosis with one-third of the “asylum-seekers” found infected with these ailments after tests done at Mexican border-city Tijauna. Being part of a large group helps camouflage such health issues, like a person who gets away with saying too much and the person listening unable to get the underlying underpinnings.