In the last four days after taking over, AMLO has raised huge expectations among the people of Mexico for a real change in the economy and the polity and his rating is now put at 66 per cent which is something unprecedented among the politicians in Latin America. In fact, the mediapeople are comparing AMLO with the jailed former President of Brazil Lula De Silva who also had a high rating despite put to jail by the rightwing government on trumped up charges. AMLO is also a good friend of Lula and he claims to belong to the progressive movement in Latin America for radical economic reforms to serve the poor.

As the Leftist President sees it, his six year term beginning December 1 this year is not just another presidency, It is the Fourth Transformation in Mexico following the independence from Spain, the mid-19th century political reforms and the Mexican Revolution. He has promised to end corruption, fund the social programmes for the poor by saving funds through his anti-corruption measures, transform the neo liberal economy by expanding state control on key sectors including oil and reduce the incidents of violence including ending the domination of the drug mafia. He has a dream and that is to convert Mexico into a great power of the 21st century. AMLO has created a big enthusiasm in the countrymen and there is a new mood of confidence that finally, the change is taking place for the better.

The ground right now is fertile for the Mexican President to take speedy actions but his tasks are tough and he can do it only if he retains his coalition partners together and listens to his well wishers in the social and trade union movements that have supported him all through. Mexico is one of the most violence prone countries and the drug cartels are well entrenched with widely connected political links 43 per cent of the country’s people is taken as poor and common people have so long been fed up with the political parties because of the corrupt practices by these politicians and using politics to get rich. The new President will get toughest opposition when he starts hitting at the drug mafia and their contacts.

AMLO has promised to increase social spending and cut poverty. He has also initiated an austerity programme and announced a 40 per cent cut in his pay. Under new laws, nobody in Mexico can get a salary more than the President which is now only US$ 5300 per month. This will infuriate the rich salary earners who are many.” You can have a rich government and poor people”, he says. AMLO has promised not to raise taxes and to respect central bank independence. He has also just signed the new North American Free Trade Agreement though he has complained about the slow growth and stagnant salaries since Mexico embraced free trade. He has also promised no expropriations.

Mexico is Latin America’s second largest economy. Though it is a part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) along with the United States and Canada, Mexico has much in common with the issues that are prevalent in Latin American countries.US President Donald Trump is in a constant battle with the Mexican government over both trade issues and immigration leading to high level anger among the Mexican population. The defeated President Pefia Nieto, a rightwing politician has to protest at Trump’s actions due to the sentiments of his own people, but there was no force in that. Now the common Mexicans feel that they have a voice and the new president Obrador will be in a position to fight Trump on policy issues at equal level.

Mexico is among the world’s fifteen largest economies. The country is however highly dependent on USA, its largest trading partner and destination of 80 per cent of exports. Obrador has declared that his main task will be to fight corruption and he will increase funds for the poor and the common people by saving about $ 20 billion through plugging corrupt practices. He is committed to raise the salaries of the lowest paid workers including increased pensions for the elderly, educational grant for Mexican youth and additional support for the farmers.

The new president leads the coalition MORENA which is a conglomerate of a number of groups and parties including the leftists and conservatives who are opposed to the status quo in Mexico. He is a good friend of the British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and the programmes are also similar. Just as the British Communist Party is extending conditional support to Corbyn, Obrador is also getting some amount of support from the Mexican Communist Party in his fight against corruption and for improvement of the conditions of the poor. Obrador has high respect for the jailed Brazilian ex President Lula and he wants to introduce the poverty action programme which helped Brazil during Lula’s time to raise the living standards of the poor.

His social sector programmes will be getting wide support but his real battle will be on the issue of dealing with the foreign companies, especially the US companies which are operating in Mexico. Obrador has promised to review the contracts for oil exploration awarded to international firms and to respect those that are clean and take legal measures against those that are not. There is pressure from the leftists on him to nationalize the oil industry in view of the corruption practiced by the foreign oil companies. Pemex is the state run oil company and the new president has to carefully examine how to make the oil exploration policy serve the best interests of Mexico. The two earthquakes of September 2017 have damaged the oil sector and services market but 2018 should see a boom in construction activities, according to the experts. Oil production accounts for one third of the government revenues and Obrador’s task will be to see how the government share of revenues can be raised from the oil sector.

At the political level, the self proclaimed Leftist president has to take the coalition partners with him including both the leftists and the conservatives who are against the present austerity programmes for the poor. The Left of Latin America is putting high hopes on him. The illegally impeached former president of Brazil Dilma Rousseff has said that Obrador’s victory is not just a victory for Mexico, it is for all Latin America. Argentina’s former president Christina Kichner tweeted Obrador represents hope not just for Mexico but for the entire region. The Communist parties of Latin America as also other leftist groups feel that Mexico win will signal the return of progressive winds to Latin America.

That way, the Latin American Left is anxiously watching the actions of AMLO and its impact on Mexican people. It he succeeds, Latin American Left will get a new boost after defeat in Brazil and Argentina. (IPA Service)