Sanders, 77 launched his campaign on Tuesday in a radio interview in his home state Vermont followed by an email to his millions of supporters. Decrying the Republican President Trump as a racist, fraud and sexist, Sanders has promised to transform the U.S economy and society for creating a government based on the principles of economic, social, racial and environmental justice. Sanders made his agenda popular during 2016 election campaign and by now, his agenda has been hijacked by other candidates who are also influenced by Sanders socialist policies. In fact, President Trump in his recent state of the union message mentioned that US is again facing the threat from socialist forces who want to convert US into a Venezuela. Sanders has replied that his mission is to build an America based on equality in every sphere including gender, race and colour and he will implement the programme for building an economy for 99 per cent of the people.

His message said that “Three years have come and gone. And, as a result of millions of Americans standing up and fighting back, all of these policies are now supported by a majority of Americans. Now, it is time to complete that revolution and implement the vision that we fought for”. His second bid has caused panic in the Republican camp. The Republican National Committee said in a statement that Sanders is a self avowed socialist who wants to double your taxes so the government can take over your health care. The vast majority of voters oppose his radical agenda just like they are going to oppose all 2020 Democrats who have rushed to embrace it. But for the working masses of America, he is a hero as his constant campaign for a minimum wage of US$ 15 a hour has become the national agenda and many of the Democrat run states have implemented this.

The Republicans as also some of the Democrats who do not want Sanders have mentioned of the age factor. He will be 78 in September this year and if he wins the Presidential elections, he will be 79 then and after the first term, he will be 83. They are arguing whether such an old person, can be given the responsibility of holding President’s position of a country like America. But Sanders supporters say that he is absolutely fit now and he has been addressing meetings and rallies on a regular basis. Sanders himself replied to these doubts by saying” we have to look at candidates you know, not by the colour of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or their gender and not by their age. We have got to move toward a non-discriminatory society which looks at people based on their abilities, based on what they stand for”.

While, a very large sections of the progressives are backing Sanders, there are some people in the Left who argue that Sanders should not stand himself but should back someone like Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harrish who will implement his agenda. But Sanders supporters including the leaders of the Communist Party of USA mention that there can be no real replacement of Sanders right now. For instance, Bhaskar Sunkara, Editor of leftwing magazine Jacobin says Bernie is not just a progressive democrat, he has a different base and appeal. He is greater than the sum of his policy positions. Sanders has a different approach to politics than other potential Democratic primary contenders like Elizabeth Warren. Sunkara believes that among the left democrats, there is no one who has the same appeal with swing voters and those in rust belt states that Trump used in 2016 elections to sneak into the White House.

Right now, it is just the beginning and the campaign gathers momentum, the other candidates of the Democratic Party belonging to once Left will have time to ponder whether they will withdraw at a later stage to ensure that Sanders remains the only candidate of Left to take on any powerful centrist candidate like former vice president Joseph Biden who might get support of former President. For the Left in USA, this is the most opportune time to get their candidate selected for Democratic nomination defeating any other candidate from the centrists. This opportunity can not be missed and for ensuring that at a later stage, the Left candidates must agree on one and in Sanders, the possibility of a consensus is best.

In fact, many analysts have observed that if Sanders would have been nominated in 2016 as the Democratic Party candidate, he could have defeated Trump in November elections. With his well-oiled campaign machinery, dedicated cadres and highly popular programme, another chance has come to the Democratic Party to nominate him this time to defeat President Trump. For Bernie Sanders, this is the final opportunity for giving a new Deal to America. (IPA Service)