One major difference between the two ought to be clearly understood. Political economy of India of 1971 was completely different from the existing scenario of 2019. Barely six months back Rahul was perceived as a street fighter who cannot dare to take on Modi who used to call him “pappu”. But the same Rahul has within this short span of time has emerged as the effective alternate. This is no mean an achievement. It is equally important to mention that this has been at a time when Modi was being perceived as the only leader capable to lead India from the front.
It is inevitable that Rahul’s NYAY will be opposed by the corporate sector and its think tank which in the past had ferventally objected to government programmes like food for poor and MANREGA for the rural poor. No doubt there must be some flaws but that has to be removed. But on the plea of being flawed or people siphoning of the money it must not be discouraged.
It is a fact that only this agenda can withstand the vicious design of the capitalist onslaught on the democracy and democratic structure of the country. It is absolutely clear that Modi has come to realize that playing up the economic development and growth would prove to be suicidal for him. With a poor growth record it would be an impossible task for him to convince his middle class supporters of his so called pious intentions and moves.
Before Pulwama the popularity graph of Modi was on decline. The poor performance of his government has been eating into his popularity base. Pulwama proved to be saviour. Pulwama aroused the feeling that now Modi can combine the core model of nationalism with the caste and religion to gain an infallible victory narrative. Apparently for him this was sufficient and failed to realise that economic issues would prove to be decisive. His urban middle supporters would rally behind him and chant his mantra, but it is the dominant rural people that refuse to fall in line. Usually the results of the 2014 election results are cited to justify that Modi’s charisma worked magic. But it is not the case. The vertical split in the Congress on the issue of socialist programmes and capitalist policies had played havoc.
This time the situation is not like that of 2014. It is only the urban middle class that is dancing to the tunes of Modi. The fact of the matter is Modi’s core nationalist ideology generates fear not confidence. This is the reason that notwithstanding its efforts to reach out the party is yet to reap any pan India advantage which may benefit the party during the elections.
A closer look at the political developments would make it explicit that rural people are by and large skeptical of Modi and his agenda of ultra nationalism. Even a good percentage of the urban people are scared. Their apprehension primarily owes to saffron cadres turning aggressive. People are anxious that eventually the state would become oppressive. In fact the nationalist brief is under scrutiny. It is irony that the secular forces and forces opposed to Modi did not muster enough courage to speak on his face in the initial phase and challenge his brand of anti-nationalism. The political parties are to be blamed for putting themselves in this wobbly situation. They nursed the fear that the people would turn hostile. The situation is the anti-Pakistan nationalism pitch would impact the election.
While the two man army has miserably failed on economic and growth front, it is heading into the elections with the two surgical strikes on Pakistan as its USP. Unfortunately on this issue the opposition appears to flounder. Ironically it has yet not succeeded in using the agriculture, jobs, welfare, industry, GDP and reforms issues to their advantage. Fortunately for BJP the Balakot strikes have come at the favourable time for BJP.
In this backdrop Rahul’s NYAY agenda has really put the BJP in a gauche. Nevertheless the corporates and big business are using their best brains to help Modi wriggle out of the pervasive situation. A report card vetted out by the by business and captains of the industry will try to mould the minds of the people. The capitalists favoured by the PM will make all efforts to denounce Rahul’s NYAY agenda, it is up to the opposition parties to defend the pro-people programme and defeat BJP’s moves. (IPA Service)
Arun Srivastava - 2019-04-08 09:41
Rahul Gandhi’s (NYAY) Nyuntam Aay Yojana may not have magic appeal of Indira Gandhi’s garibi hatao which swept the polls in 1971 but one thing is certain Rahul’s agenda has turned Narendra Modi skeptical and defensive and has also projected his image of being an alternative.