There are many parliamentary constituencies in the state, where coal workers are playing important and decisive role in electing people’s representative. Coal workers are influencing at least seven parliamentary constituency seats that are Giridih, Dhanbad, Dumka, Ranchi, Hazaribag, Palamu and Chatra. This has been a historic fact that coal workers are actively participating in voting process. In almost all coalfield areas there are many labour unions functional and they work to make the coal workers aware about their rights.

Various issues of coal workers like privatization of workforce, commercial mining, outsourcing, job on the ground of sympathy, job for family members of medically unfit coal workers are being raised by trade unions working in the coalfield areas (koyalanchal) of Jharkhand. All major central trade unions like AITUC, CITU, BMS and HMS are working in Koyalanchal region for mobilizing coal workers. United Coal Workers Union (UCWU) is a prominent labour union that is affiliated to All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC).

Apart from members of Parliament, Koyalanchal region has given union ministers who headed the Ministry of Finance, External affairs ministry and minister of state for civil aviation and finance. Here question arises that whether the issues related to the rights of coal workers are actually being addressed by the people’s representatives whom they elect by their vote and support? Most of the coal workers are not feeling that their representatives have honestly raised their issues in the Parliament. In all coalfield projects new vacancies are gradually not opening and management hires the workforce on contract basis. Rate of opening of permanent jobs are dropping down in coal sector. From the mining to loading, entire process is gradually being outsourced. Permission for commercial mining is given to nongovernment players.

Contractual workers are not on the payroll of the mining company and they are being paid by the contractors. It causes social insecurity among contractual coal workers. Job to the legal successor of a retiring worker was given in coal sector before but in the era of outsourcing and privatization of mining labour, no job security is guaranteed for the family members of coal workers.

Four main coal public sector companies are working in Jharkhand for mining and trading of coal. Out of these four big PSUs three have their headquarters in Jharkhand. Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) and Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited (CMPDI) have their heal offices in Ranchi (Jharkhand). Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL) has its office in Dhanbad (Jharkhand) and Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL) has its head office in Bardhman (West Bengal). Impact of any decision taken by central government directly affects the lives of coal workers of Jharkhand.

Unheard voices of coal workers are still looking towards a representative who can raise them honestly in the parliament. Still eyes are hardworking coal works are waiting for the day when government will bring law that can protect their rights. If Parliament members from those seven constituencies of Koyalanchal region of Jharkhand (where coal workers play decisive role to elect their representatives), would have honestly raised voices of coal workers in Parliament, their tears could be turned into smile.

Now the parliamentary election is on and it’s an opportunity for coal workers of Jharkhand to exercise their right to elect a suitable Parliament member from their respective constituencies.

At this stage, when grand festival of democracy is just ahead, role of trade unions is becoming highly important to develop political consciousness to mobilize the coal workers to fight and stand in demand of their rights and vote for the suitable candidate who can carry forward their voices to the Parliament. (IPA Service)