Inaugurating the National Conference of Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) 2010 here today, Shri Jairam Ramesh, Minister of State for Environment and Forests (Independent charge) said, “Recent data shows the use of primates in experimentation is showing upward climb. With the development of Human genome research, activities of commercial establishments and industries and modern methods, there is growing demand of primates in experimentation. But we need not open the floodgates to use animals in experimentation in the name of academic knowledge.”

Referring to the exhibition organized by InterNICHE, the Minister said,” this wonderful exhibition shows what a modern technology can do to bring about a revolution in methods of experimentation. It shows ways of complete transformation in replacement and how modern technology can be used to address the concerns of animal lovers all over the world. Because of international concern, concerns of animal rights activists, civil society organizations, NGOs etc in our own country, we have growing awareness and consciousness in our commitments to use animals.”

Talking about reduction, refinement and replacement (theory of RRR), the Minister said, “We are still in the first phase, i.e. reduction phase. We are making tentative steps to enter refinement phase. We must refine our methods, and replace animals in experiments. The Indian culture respect all forms of life, human as well as animal life. We will show respect in use of animals in experimentation. We have great deal of political commitment towards animal welfare.” He expressed the hope that India will become pioneer to reduce use of animals in experimentation by adopting non-animal methods of experimentation. Shri Jairam Ramesh appreciated the participation in this conference at individual expenses and said it demonstrates deep commitment for the cause of welfare of animals.

The Minister also released a book titled Standard Operating Procedures for Institutional Animal Ethics Committee(IAEC) published by Animal Welfare Division under the Ministry of Environment and Forests. It has been designed to bring out uniformity in the working IAEC so that consistent views are taken while reviewing the proposals entailing use of animals for experimentation. This manual explains in clear and simple terms, the CPCSEA approved procedures and rules position. They look at the methodologies in using small animals for experimentation. It shows codified standard operation procedure to be followed by each of the 1300 Institutional Animal Ethics Committees.

Earlier welcoming all the participants, Shri M F Farooqui, Joint Secretary and Chairman of CPCSEA said this will be a very useful and interesting conference and it will set a trend for everyone to synchronize and harmonize our aspirations in both, development with the need to be kind to animals while dealing with the experimentation on them and lesser use of animals.Referring to the Golden Sach's report, Shri M F Farooqui further said, by the 2050 India would be among the three big economies in the world along with U S A and China. If we go on this hectic path of growth, we will become economic giants in the field of innovations, scientific environment etc., he added.

This will require large investment in knowledge economy. He added that the rate of growth is very high in the field of pharmacology, microbiology, plant physiology, agrology, IT fields. This will create a great pressure on us to see that the practices which we follow in these researches are consistent in regard to be concerned and be humane to give minimum possible pain and use lesser number of animals in any experimentation. Referring to our traditional knowledge, the message of non-violence, to the world, our scientific temper documented in the form of the knowledge in Ayurvedas, Siddha and other traditions, he said that we have lost the message somewhere down the line. We need to devise new ways and face the challenge of using fewer animals in experimentation. He said with progress of IT sector in the country and incorporating social and industrial responsibility, we will be able to be humane and kind to animals.#