On Tuesday the BJP boss Amit Shah organised a road show for his party Lok Sabha candidates in Calcutta. He had also thrown a challenge to the TMC chief Mamata to try and stop his show destroying the w. While they reached the Calcutta University the vigilantes went berserk. They attacked the university campus on the plea that the students belonging to the TMC were pelting stone. This was indeed a white lie. The bike borne saffron cadres entered into the premises, ransacked the campus and while leaving they smashed the bust of the greatest name of the Bengal renaissance Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar kept in a glass container. While leaving they said “Vidyasagar-er din shesh” (days of Vidyasagar is finished). This line makes it clear that the cadres were aware of identity of the statue. They felt immense pleasure in smashing it.
Little doubt this incident manifests the deep hatred of the BJP towards the Bengali culture and social moorings. For these people Vidyasagar did not represent Hindu tenet and ethos. Had it been no so, they would not have broken his statue.
Before this sordid incident Modi had accused and castigated Mamata for not allowing chanting of Jai Sri Ram. How could Mamata do it? A government administration cannot do this. In fact prostrating his ignorance. Historically and culturally Bengalis worship Goddess Durga. Like Hindi speaking Hindus they do not worship Sri Ram. Unfortunately Modi and Amit both were hell bent on forcing the Bengalis to chant Jai Sri Ram. This was a machination of theirs to appease the Hindi speaking Hindus. Before accusing Mamata they should have known this side of the Bengali tradition.
Historically Ram had worshipped Durga and obtained her blessings before invading Sri Lanka. Obviously he had accepted the supremacy of Durga. One feels shocked at how could Bengalis Bengali BJP leaders did not explain this historical fact to their leaders. They should have told them to refrain from forcing this on Hindu Bengalis. They must have read “ Ramers Shakti Pujo” (Ram’s worship of Goddess).
But Modi, the prime minister who claims to know India preferred to ignore the religious and cultural importance of this event and tried to force his dictate on Bengalis. He ridiculed the suggestion of Mamata and accused her of not following Hindu tradition. This stand of Modi makes it explicit that he is not aware of the Hindu tradition and culture.
For public consumption the political leaders have been saying that the Bengali Hindus are the integral part of the Bengali culture and civilization. But it is not true. Had it been so, the BJP goons would not have smashed portrait of Vidyasagar. In fact the truth is these people have been maintaining their separate identity. They do not intend to assimilate with Bengali culture. No doubt these people speak Bengali but it is more of commercial nature than the expression of their desire to assimilate. They have come to realise that exploiting Bengalis in the garb of Bengali was the most easy thing. A look at the history of Bengal will find large number of examples to substantiate this.
In Bengal the BJP depends on the Hindi speaking migrants from and become a part of the decision making structural mechanism rallies behind a political party or force. This is visible in Bengal. The original Bengalis were with Congress. Bangladeshi Hindus who migrated in late sixties and seventies chose CPI(M) and other left parties. Now the non Bengalis are rallying behind the BJP. They might have extended their support to the BJP for the Hindu cause, but it has much wider implication than meets the naked eyes,
Calcutta has already lost its Bengali touch. At present not less than 70 per cent population is of non Bengalis. This includes Muslims from eastern Indian states. This section is spreading its tentacles fast. N fact the Non Bengali Muslims have antagonistic relations with the Bengali Muslims. Bengali Muslims are more closer to Bengali Hindus.
There is no denying the fact that the non Bengali Hindus have inflicted more damage to the Bengali culture and social ethos. A new class of Hindus has emerged in the state. This new class of non Bengali Hindus have shifted towards BJP and other smaller parties like SP and BSP. They have been living the old social and cultural lineage. These people nurse the vew to rule over Bengal. They have been spreading fast in Calcutta. A closer look at the demographical changes would make it clear that three-fourth of the landed property is now owned by non Bengalis.
What happened Tuesday might fetch a couple of seats for BJP, project duo as the Hindu heroes but one thing is absolutely clear that it has sowed the feeling of hatred and it cannot be denied that this may acquire some rough dimension. Amit Shah’s road show in Kolkata is a curtain-raiser for the Hindu Rashtra. (IPA Service)
Arun Srivastava - 2019-05-16 09:58
It is a national shame. No amount of excuse and apology would redeem the duopoly of BJP, Narendra Modi and Amit Shah of the sin as the crime has not been committed by an ultra element or a terrorist. Instead it was executed by the saffron vigilantes and goons who swear by the Indian culture, tradition and nationalism.