A photograph went viral on social media in which Agarwal was seen holding a cricket bat. Later talking to media Agarwal alleged that the accountant was not releasing funds to pay the installments of PM Awas Yojana beneficiaries in his Ward No. 36. In a veiled warning, Agarwal said if need be arising, he would also use the bat as Akash has used in Indore.
According to Satna report Nagar Palika president of Ramnagar assaulted chief municipal officer (CMO) with a baseball bat on Friday. He is supported by the Bharatiya Janata Party. He along with seven other assaulted CMO Devratan Soni when he was sitting in his office.
As per Superintendent of Police (SP) Satna, Riyaz Iqbal, CMO received serious injuries in the attack and he was referred to Satna district hospital. On the report of the CMO the police registered a case against Nagar Palika president and seven others. Later he was arrested and the police launched a manhunt to nab the other assailants, the SP added. The accused will be presented into the court on Saturday. Adding to IPC Section, a case of attempt to murder was also registered on the instructions of the SP.
Surprisingly Nagar Palika president reached the police station and alleged that the CMO has beaten him. He was seen soaked in blood. The police were scanning CCTV footage of the office to identify the other culprits. Sources said that President was angry with the CMO as he was not supporting him in the alleged case of PM Awas Yojana scam of Rs. 3 crore in which he was arrested by the police. Since then he was annoyed with the CMO and on Friday he assaulted him in his office.
The application for MLA Akash Vijayvargiya has been filed in the court of ADJ Suresh Singh in District and Sessions court Bhopal. Senior advocate Pushitra Bhargava of Indore who filed the bail application said “Picture on bail will be cleared on Saturday”. Advocate Pramod Saxena said “Today bail plea has been filed in Court of ADJ. The court has sought case diary from Indore. It is likely to be put up on Saturday for argument”.
Earlier ex-minister and MLA Vishwasw Sarang visited court with group of lawyers in support of Akash Vijayvargiya during filing of bal application. The most shocking incident involving BJP leader is that not a single party leader has taken a critical view of these ugly happenings. On the contrary some leaders including former Minister Narottam Mishra have tried to defend him.
Mishra in his statement said Akash’s motive can be justified but his method cannot. Embarrassed by the incident the BJP national leadership has asked the state unit to file a report. Sources say BJP national president Amit Shah has asked the Madhya Pradesh leadership to provide details of the incident and the “role of party and Congress leaders”.
Videos of Akash hitting an IMC official with a bat have gone viral, raising concerns within the party. To add to the party’s unease, a video surfaced on Thursday showing Kailash Vijayvargiya – Akash’s father – telling a news anchor “aukat kya hia tumhari:” on being asked about the incident.
Sources say the party leadership is distancing itself from the issue. Former Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan – nine time Indorfe MP – and former CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan have not spoken on it. Neither has state party Chief Rakesh Singh who cancelled his Indore trip and flew to New Delhi to discuss the outcome of the incident with the party leadership.
“The party leadership has asked for a detailed report on Akash’s incident. It is upset at the way Kailash Vjaayvargiya reacted after the arrest of his son. This could hamper BJP’s campaign against Mamta Banerjee in Wes Bengal, which is being spearheaded by Vijayavargiya himself. Said a senor BJP state functionary.
A day after arrest and subsequent judicial remand of Akash hundreds of Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) employees and sanitation workers took out a silent rally and held a demonstration on premises of divisional commissioner office on Thursday.
Civic body employees including zonal officer Dhirendra Bais walked with black ribbons tied around their arms protesting the assault by BJP MLA.
The rally was taken out from IMC headquarters at around noon and employees reached divisional commissioner office at around 12.40 pm. They gave a memorandum to division commissioner Akash Tripathi and demanded police protection for all field staff of IMC. “We condemn MLAs act against zonal officer of IMC. The incident has raised a safety concern among all regular and contractual staff of IMC” one of the protesting official said. (IPA Service)
L S Herdenia - 2019-06-29 10:30
BHOPAL: The ugly incident of assault by BJP legislator Akash Vijayvargiya on Indore Municipal Corporation official was still hitting headlines a report has come from Satna district according to which a BJP Municipal committee president has physically attacked Chief Municipal Officer. According to yet another report Damoh district president of Bhartiya Janta Yuva Morcha (BJYM) Vivek Agarwal threatened to beat Nagar Palika accountant Anil Gupta with a cricket bat.