Point-wise details of the scheme are as follows:
(a) The Central Government shall provide assistance to the extent of one third of the capital cost for establishment of each college, limited to Rs.2.67 crore. For Special Category States, the Central share shall be 50% of the capital cost limited to Rs.4 crore for each college.
(b) The land shall be provided free of cost by the State Governments. The balance amount of the capital cost, and the recurring cost of running these new colleges shall be met by the concerned State Governments.
(c) During the remaining period of the 11th Five Year Plan, assistance shall be provided for establishing 200 model colleges in identified districts, with priority being given to special category states and districts having concentration of weaker sections and minorities as well as other districts in Schedule V and Schedule VI areas.
(d) The Scheme will have prospective effect and will be applicable to those colleges where admissions commence after 21.01.2010.
(e) A clear Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be signed with each State Government before any release of funds is made.
(f) The Scheme shall be implemented both through the University Grants commission (which can release funds to the concerned affiliating university for establishment of the college as its constituent college) and also alternatively by way of direct release of funds by the Ministry of Human Resource Development to the concerned State Government, which may like to set up the college either as an affiliated or a constituent college.
The total funds requirements will be Rs.2992 crore (for 374 colleges @ Rs.8 crore per college), and the Central share shall be about Rs.1079 crore. During the remaining period by the XI Plan it is proposed to provide Central assistance for 200 colleges for which the financial requirement (central share) shall be limited to about Rs.615.13 crore.
Assuming that the average number of students in a college is 500, the total number of students who would be enrolled in the 374 colleges, shall be about 1.87 lakh.
This is a new Scheme meant exclusively for students in educationally backward districts, aspiring for higher education. The Scheme shall help in increasing the GER in educationally backward districts.
The Scheme will be publicized among the State Governments immediately for inviting proposals from the States. All the identified 374 higher educationally backward districts in the country where the GER is less than the national GER shall be covered.
In his Independence Speech on 15th August 2007, the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India had announced, inter alia, that “We will also ensure that adequate numbers of colleges are set up across the country, especially in districts where enrolment levels are low. We will help States set up colleges in 370 such districtsâ€. The XI Five Year Plan document as approved by the National Development Council envisages, among other things, that 370 new Degree Colleges will be established in Districts with low Gross Enrolment Ratio based on careful selection.#
India: Education
New Scheme for setting up of 374 model degree colleges in districts
Special Correspondent - 2010-01-21 11:50
New Delhi: The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs today approved the introduction of a new Scheme to provide central assistance for setting up of a model degree college in each of the identified 374 educationally backward districts where Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) for higher education is less than the national GER.